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Lmao my bitch ass ran out of titles so now I'm just using queen songs that could relate to the story if you try and make it work, sorry ab that.

Freddie pov

Today is the day that roger and I go in for our interviews at the school, and damn was I nervous already. I set my alarm for super early because you know I gotta dress to impress. However I cannot day the same for Rog he made me let him sleep in a tad. Our interviews weren't until 9 and right now it's 6 so yeah maybe I did overreact but hey who could blame me. My outfit was already hanging on the bathroom door so that I wouldn't have to stress over that. My outfit may have been a little over the top, but it would certainly show that I cared. I started my shower so that I could freshen up a little from last night.

When I finished my shower the time was now around 7 because I got a little distracted singing while I was in there, so I decided I would go ahead and wake roger so he would have time to get a shower. Roger was still fast asleep when I walked over to his side of the bed, I gently kissed his cheek and then shook his shoulder lightly.
"Good morning lovely." And of course he just groaned at my statement because he is not much of a morning person. After giving him another glance I noticed something that was going to be a bit of a problem.
"Oh fuck." I whisper shouted.
"What's wrong babe?"
"Um well your neck may or may not be covered in multiple dark hickies..."
"I'm sorry I got carried away, but you can't say you didn't enjoy it because I know you did baby."
"Ok fair enough, but for payback you have to pick out my outfit while I lay down a bit longer." He chuckled.
And with that I scampered off to find him a suitable outfit. Eventually I settled on a white button up, tight black dress pants, a black bow tie, black leather shoes, and black suspenders. He was going to look like such a little doll with that outfit on I don't know how I'll keep my hands off him. For the third time this morning I woke roger up and told him to shower while I did my hair and make up.

When he was finally done I got him dressed, with little to no fuss about his outfit and then I covered up his hickies with my concealer. We had finished getting ready around 8:30 and the school was about 20 minutes away so we decided to go ahead and head that way Incase we ran into traffic. Roggie drove us there because I couldn't bring myself to wake terry up even though it wasn't an unreasonable hour. We arrived at the school at 8:55, then we both shuffled into the building for our interviews.

Our interviews went quite well surprisingly, so me and Rog were now officially school teachers. We were to start tomorrow since that was the first day of school, so as you can tell we were kind've their last resort.

Next day bitches

Roggie and I had gotten up early and dressed up a lot, well me more than Rog because I like to overdo things according to roger. Roger was just wearing an outfit like yesterday's however he left the bow tie out today. He drove us to the school once again Rog set his stuff down in his classroom and then went to go hang out in mine. Our classrooms were decorated quite rubbishy if you ask me, but don't worry I was determined to fix it up later on. I walked over to my desk and sat myself down in the comfortable swivel chair that was at my desk, when I was settled down Roggie sat on my lap as I prepared my sheet music folders for the students. In the folders I put the sheet music to the songs my girl by the temptations, the house of the rising sun by the animals, and finally beyond the sea by Bobby Darin.

Students started to file into my room and I kissed Roggie goodbye as he went to go attend to his students, but after I had kissed roger I had received some awful glares from these kids. Who was I kidding I knew I would have to get used to teaching the high school students I knew I wouldn't love it at the beginning but I had hope for the rest of the year. Once all of the students were seated I passed them all out their beautifully decorated and labeled folders. One kid did not like my decor too much when I handed it to him.
"Why did you do this now we all look like some kind of faggots, but I'm sure you wouldn't mind would you." He jeered as a few of his friends laughed and high fived him. I chose to ignore the remark so that he wouldn't be given the delight of me reacting, so I just carried on tossing them all their folders.
"Ok children we are going to start with the song beyond the sea" I heard some groaning after I spoke "I'll sing it first and then we can work through it in sections so that we can get ready for this concert. Okay?" A few of the children nodded, but the others just ignored me and had their own conversations so I just started singing the song loudly to hopefully grasp their attention, and sure enough it did. all of the kids jaws dropped and they just stared at me as I sang. When I had finished I receive a few applauses while the others just looked shocked. The rest of the class time was just spent

The rest of the class time was filled with me just breaking down the song and then running through it a few times while I tweaked some of their mistakes. My next two periods were my planning periods so I began to take down some of the tack shit that was hung all around my room and wrote some notes on what I could do to make the songs better. Soon enough the bell had rung for lunch, so I grabbed my food and headed down to roggies room to hang out for a bit. I knocked gently on his door, he opened the door and I bent down to kiss his cheek as his face was turning a slight pink color. He sat down in his swivel chair and I pulled one of the desks over to roger, we chatted for a bit until the bell rang. I pulled the desk back to where it belonged and walked over to Rog, he hugged me tightly and buried his face into my chest.
"I miss you already."
"I miss you too baby, but you do know we are two class rooms away so you can come see me anytime."
"Yeah I know." He let out an adorable giggle.
"You're so cute baby, I love you soooo much."
"I love you too babe, have a good rest of the day."
"You too. Goodbye dear I love you."
"Bye, I love you."

As I walked out of his class room I had to practically push my way through the children to get over to my room. The rest of my day went great most of the kids seemed to like me, but I did get a few snide remarks because some of the children had already figured out me and Rog were together. However most of the students just kept their mouths shut about it. When the school day had ended I went over to meet roger. He was standing outside of his classroom when I went to meet up with him. We went to go grab some dinner to celebrate our first successful day as teachers, then we went home and snuggled up in bed to watch a movie and then finally fall asleep.

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