Our little family

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Wassup daddies lmao what's new on me updating late, sorry bout that btw just v stressed out w school and other stuff. Once again I'm finna skip a few years, how many you may ask, like five lmao. So enjoy this fuck up of a story.

Roger pov

Freddie and I had just gotten back from work when I received a phone call from the adoption center. We had dropped our info off there about a year ago, but we were yet to receive a call or anything so this was very exciting.
"Hello is this roger Taylor-Mercury?"
"Yes" I said a little too excitedly.
"Great we'd love to meet with you and your partner tomorrow about your possible child okay."
"Sounds great, um could you give me any more informational our possible child?"
"Yes it's a girl and she's from America, she's 7 years old, she has brown hair and blue eyes, and she is really tiny. Your meeting is at 8 tomorrow see you then."
And with that she hung up which I thought was pretty abrupt, but I was really excited to tell Freddie this.

Once I was in the bedroom I attacked Freddie with kissed and excited little squeals. I couldn't believe that we would finally be getting a kid after waiting such a long time. Freddie had been wanting a girl so this was extra extra exciting now.
"Oh what is all of this about love?"
"We're getting a daughter Freddie!" I exclaimed with tears running down my face. He just looked up in shock and then the biggest smile appeared on his face as his eyes filled with tears. He enveloped me with his long arms. He then picked me up and spun me round while he was letting out excited squeals.
"YES! YES! YESSSSS!" He screeched into my hair.


We woke up the next morning more than excited, for two reasons. One was because we were going to see our possible daughter which is obvious, but the second reason was because it was Saturday. I was so excited to officially only have two more weeks as a teacher, I was going to be a dentist in five weeks, because I make more money that way and also I didn't really like being a teacher that much.

When we were finally ready we headed out the door and Freddie held my hand once he locked the house up and then I drove us to the adoption center. When we arrived freddie gave my hand a little squeeze and then opened my car door for me and held my hand on the way inside. As soon as we opened the door to the place we saw a lady in a business suit waiting next to a counter.
"Hello are you two Freddie and Roger?"
"Yes" Freddie replied.
"Okay let me go show you to her, before you enter her name is Alyse Leo, but she will take your last names if you do decide to have her." We just nodded, I thought the name was wonder full, our little Alyse.

We walked into the room and she was sitting at the table fiddling with a business card that was lying on the table. She was so beautiful I knew she was going to be very smart she just had this look in her eyes. When she looked up I noticed she had a small scar on her forehead and loads of freckles, she was perfect to me. Freddie and I were just standing there with the biggest smiles on our faces, I'm guessing he was thinking the same things as me. When she looked up at us she immediately looked back down at the card I'm guessing she was very shy. Then the lady started to talk to us again.
"So she's really shy, but her mom died when she was 5 and once her mom was dead her dad became really abusive towards her. Hence the scar on her forehead so it might take a little for her to warm up towards you, but when she does she is just precious."
"She's beautiful, can we talk to her?" Freddie said and the lady just nodded, so Freddie approached Alyse and pulled out a chair for me in front of her.

"Hello I'm Freddie, but if you feel comfortable you can call me papa f, and this over here" He motioned towards me and she let out a soft giggle "is roger, but you can call him daddy r or you could just call me papa and him daddy. Honestly it's up to you." We both laughed and she looked up with a small smile. "So would you like to come home with us, we have a nice room for you and all" remember that room that Freddie decorated when we first moved into our house it's now coming into good use. "It's really nice it has loads of toys and books, it's also very pretty I mean papa f decorated it." I added.

After Alyse had gotten comfortable around us and said she wanted to live with us and we had finally finished the paper work and all, we headed home. Alyse was practically silent in the car, while Freddie and I were being goofy while singing along to the radio trying to make her loosen up or something. When we arrive at the house she was still silent. Freddie grabbed her bags and I held her hand while I led her into the house. As soon as we stepped into the house Freddie laid her bags down by the door and dramatically bent down to kiss her hand.
"And now we must escort the princess to her castle shouldn't we?" He asked and she smiled and giggled.
"Yes I think we should." I said in a posh voice and she began to laugh harder. Freddie picked her up and put her on his shoulders while he carried her up to her room. I grabbed her three small bags and carried them to her room for her. This was just the start of our little family and I couldn't be more happy with it.

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