My fairy king

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Freddie pov

Over the last few weeks we have been packing to move into our new house and we were supposed to start back at work in three days. While Rogers been getting used to anything, he's also been getting really frustrated with himself a lot, and that causes him to have these panic attacks because he feels like he's trapped. I help him as much as I can though because I don't want him to feel like he's going through this alone.

Right now we were getting the last few boxes to the house, John and I were already at the house unpacking. Brian and Rog were on their way with the last boxes. I was putting up the the plates in the little kitchen when I heard the door open and someone sniffling.
"Freddie?" Brian called.
"Yeah? Brian?"
"Um Roggie needs you."
I speed walked over to the front door and saw a box on the floor and roger crying. I moved him onto the couch so that I could calm him down while I was sitting.
"Hey, what's wrong baby?"
"I-I just can't d-do anything right anymore." He sobbed.
"Yes of course you can, I mean do you remember last night." I smirked and roger put on a weak smile and nodded.

After a few minutes of playing with Rogers hair and just telling him about my childhood, he calmed down again. I let him go to sleep on the couch, because he's had a bad couple of weeks. So I walked into the dining room where John and Brian were and I just looked at them.
"Hey Freddie, you alright?"
"I'm fine. It's just I can't stand looking at roger this way, he looks pitiful. The thing is I don't even know how to help him, so I just have to sit there and stare at him basically. It just doesn't feel right, you know?"
"I understand Freddie both of you are going through hard times, but I'm sure you two will figure it out by the end of the year." He smiled and winked at John. "I wish I could do more to help you, but that's the best I can do since I can't really relate to what's happening to you." Brian soothed.
"What was that about?"
"What was what about?"
"The wink."
"Oh it was nothing, I-I just do that a lot."
"Brian fucking may do you seriously think you can lie to me. I lie too often to be lied to Brian don't try this." I yelled playfully.
"You'll see later tonight."

Once we had gotten everything unpacked and ready I ordered all of us some food. After talking for about thirty minutes or so the doorbell finally rang, so I went and got the food from the delivery guy. I set it down on the dinner table, Rog and I set on one side with Bri and deaky on the other side. The night was great and it was about to get even better, because I noticed John had a ring on his finger, and me being dramatic I was definitely about to bring that shit up.
"Deaky boy what is that you have on your finger?" Rog looked at it excitedly and then let out a quiet screech into my ear, because 'it was the first ear available'.
"Ohhh just a little something my fiancé Bri Bri got for me." He smirked with a blush.
"Well first we had a little dance, then I brought him out to an empty field and proposed to him."
"Aw Bri you're so modest I'll tell the rest. When we got to the field he set out some candles and stuff and then he started to tell me about constellations. He started to talk about my zodiac constellation and what he loved about it, he then moved on to why he loved me and then he proposed. I just had to set the scene so you could see how romantic Bri is."
"That is too precious, y'all are polar opposites of us, I literally proposed to Rog on his leg." We all laughed for a while and we asked them about their plans for the wedding. Then Bri told me he had to speak with me outside and right there during that conversation I was told some of the best news Ever, that was surely going to be the best I'd gotten in a while. After the conversation Brian told me not to tell Roggie until they left, then we rejoined the other two back at the table.

After a while John started to fall asleep at the table so Bri thought it would be best to bring him back to their apartment so they could sleep. I cleared up the table while Rog washed and put up the dishes. After we cleaned Rog and I went upstairs. Obviously Rog used his elevator, we actually got the cheapest one and it's been working pretty well. When we both made it upstairs I had an idea, i wanted to cheer up roger and I had just the plan for it. I undressed him and laid him on the bed, I told him I was just getting him ready for bed, but that was not the case.

Once I was only in my boxers I straddled Rog to surprise him, he had a look of confusion on his face, because I must've looked very excited. From behind my back I pulled out a pamphlet to let him read over it, he looked worried but then he began to read over it. Once he had read it we both had happy tears running down our faces, this truly was the best news I'd ever received.

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