Have some patience

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What's up motherfuckers it's me, I thought I might have to start off by saying that since I haven't updating in five fucking years. Ok so here we are with a chapter and this time it's breaky bitch.

Brian pov

I had just woken up and I was in the kitchen fixing breakfast for John and I. We had to go for lunch with my parents, since I had promised them I would. However I had a feeling that John was going to be a sassy little bugger today because when I was getting up he told me to 'get off of the bed or I'll kick you off' so that was the message I got from that. I really hope that this breakfast will cheer him up, but who knows.

I brewed John a cup of tea with two sugars and three slices of cheese on toast, his favorite. I quickly ate my breakfast and quietly walked into our bedroom. I looked at the bed to find John still sleeping peacefully, sprawled out all over the bed, I could still hear his soft snores. His was on his stomach and he was sideways on the bed for some reason, but I though it was adorable. I laid the tray down on the dresser than tried to decide whether to open the curtains and wake him up or wake him up then open the curtains.

I decided to open the curtains first since it would give John a few more seconds of sleep. I'm glad that I opened the curtains first because I got to take in the beautiful view outside, there were no clouds in sight and the sky was a brilliant blue. After a few moments of admiring the view I walked over to the side of the bed that johns head was on. Softly I flipped him over onto his back and he began to move slowly. His eyes fluttered open and just as soon as they opened the closed and a frown grew on his face, I couldn't help but giggle.
"What is it love?" I laughed.
"I'm too tired for you to be that close, and don't laugh at me I'm not in the mood for that." His frown deepened and I held back a chuckle.
"Well I'll have you know I made you breakfast, so I don't believe that I deserve all of this sad."
"What is it?" Oh so now this little bugger was interested how rude.
"It's cheese on toast and tea." His eyes shot open and he eyed the tray.
"C'mere." He said softly while he made grabby hands at me.
"Oh so now I'm wanted, is that all you needed?" I laughed.
"Yes I need breakfast with a bit of husband attached, but after breakfast I'm going to need something else." I just playfully rolled my eyes and sat down next to John on the bed.

After John had finished his breakfast with minimal snarky comments I got off of the bed to begin getting ready for lunch.
"Ummm what are you doingggg I need cuddlessss?" John whined and I just smiled.
"Let me get dressed and pick out your outfit then you can have your cuddles okay?" He frowned once again, but just buried himself in the comforter.

After I was fully dressed I walked out of the bathroom and into the closet to grab johns outfit. I settled on an all blue outfit for him with his favorite trainers. As soon as I walked in the room John shot up in the bed and held his hands out.
"Mmm not yet get dressed." He huffed and then quickly threw on his clothes, only to throw himself on the bed once again. He buried himself into my chest as I began to play with his hair. Everything was all good and we were falling asleep again until I felt something rubbery against my leg.
"John Richard Deacon, did you wear your shoes into this bed!?" He just looked up and gave me a naughty grin.
"Then what is that?"
"Look and find out." He smirked at me and it threw me off, wtf.

I reached down by my leg and felt the thing once again , and as soon as I felt it I knew exactly what the object was. I yanked it out from under the covers and flared at John, he just had a guilty smile on his face.
"Why the fuck do you have a dildo John?" I said through gritted teeth. All John could do was shrug.
Why was I getting mad, was I jealous of a fucking dildo, maybe.
"Am I not good enough for you John, does your toy do it better than me!?" Why was I so mad?
"Of course not Bri, please don't get mad, it's just I was horny and you weren't home." He pouted.
"Alright, I don't have time to deal with it right now anyways, but just know you've had it tonight John." I mean if he needed me he was going to get me maybe a little rougher than he asked for, but deaky likes it rough every now and then.


We finally arrived at my mums house with minimal arguments, but a very high amount of sexual tension and it was about to mess me up. I stepped out of the car and hurried to johns side so I could open his door. He stepped out and I grabbed his hand and kissed it. He then latched onto my arm and cuddled into me, god he's such a child sometimes, but I love him.

I placed three sharp knocks on the door until my dad came to answer the door and welcomed us. He told us to go ahead and find a seat in the dinning room while my mum worked on the food. While we waited John was still cuddled into me so I decided to play with his hair and pepper kisses all over his hand.
"I love you deaks."
"I love you too Bri." His voice was muffled by my jacket.
"Oh but by the way you're still in trouble, be ready for tonight." He gasped slightly, but soon relaxed at my touch again. I couldn't think of anything that would be more perfect than having my husband snuggled up on me and knowing I'm going to fuck the daylights our of him tonight.

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