Pain is so close to pleasure

439 10 4

Roger pov

I woke up after after my surgery and all I could hear was people talking, but it sounded more like tv static to me because I wasn't fully awake yet. Within a few moments I heard something that sounded a lot like Freddie yelling, so I tried to open my eyes to see what was happening and sure enough, Freddie was yelling at the doctor. I was trying to focus and see what he was saying, but I couldn't make out specific words right then. I guess Freddie noticed I was awake and came over to hug me and kiss me on the cheek. Then I went back to sleep because i was tired as fuck honestly.

I woke up again but this time I was more aware of my surroundings, I looked down and saw Freddie had his hair laid down on my chest I assume he was asleep because he wasn't moving. I missed him so I poked his head to wake him up, he chuckled a bit before turning around to look at me.
"Good morning darling how do you feel?"
"Sounds reasonable, but um I have to tell you something and I know you're not going to like it but I promise I'll be by your side until you get used to everything."
"Used to what?"
"Well I hate to be the one to tell you this, but while they were doing surgery on your leg, some how they figured out that some of your spine was messed up. Then they tried to go and fix that as well as your leg and well there's no easy way to say it so here we go, you're paralyzed from the waist down." He looked at me with concern I guess he was waiting for some kind of reaction, but I just couldn't have a reaction it felt like everything froze, then before I knew it everything went black.

I woke up for what would be the third time today and was hoping that it was all a dream. I mean I couldn't be paralyzed, could I? The only thing I could do was cry, I just felt useless, I had to depend on everyone else from now on. That's not what I wanted, but I guess we don't always get what we want do we. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about how all this happened I didn't even do anything I just fell down a few flights of stairs and now I'm paralyzed how fucking weak am I?

Freddie soon came out of nowhere and pulled me into a hug, a gentle one of course since I just got out of surgery. He wiped the tears from under my eyes with his thumb and started massaging my shoulders to try and calm me down. Luckily it did I was starting to feel a lot better now.
"Ok well i was planning on telling you when it was finished but you seem like you need some good news to cheer you up." I nodded and smiled weakly. "So I started building us a house about a year ago. I saved up so much for it and our parents also threw in some cash as well. The house is two stories, and uh there are three bedrooms upstairs; one for us, one for guests, and one for our future child." He giggled and wiped my eyes against, He was so excited about this. "As soon as we leave this hospital tomorrow I've got to bring you to it. It's not exactly finished yet they just have to work a little more on the kitchen and it should be done in a few months. Now that I think about it I definitely should've told you earlier because we have to pack everything." He laughed again and kissed me.
"I would love to see it, it's sounds beautiful. Thank you so much for doing that for us, I was starting to think we would never get out of that gross apartment." I let out a breathy chuckle.
"Ok well let's get some sleep and then we have to get you settled with one of those motorized wheel chairs in the morning, and right now it's about 3:30 in the morning."
"Goodnight Freddie, i love you more than you know, you do too much for me."
"Only because you deserve it, I love you too, goodnight."

The next morning was VERY hectic, as soon as I got up Freddie quickly got me dressed and ready. He then used one of the hospitals wheelchairs to bring me down to where they had the wheel chairs or whatever. When we got there some man told us to wait for a moment for him to get out some chairs for me to try. When he came back Freddie and I screwed around with a few of the very pricey chairs until we decided to actually look for things we could afford. We settled on this one that had controls that resembled a video game controller type of thing, it was perfect because it was simple to use and wasn't going to make Fred and I broke, I mean we just started our jobs so we didn't have that much money.

After we left the hospital we had to cal Bri and John to come and pick us up, because they had this horrible mom van that both me and my wheelchair would fit in. They drove us over to the house and before we pulled up to where we could see it Freddie covered my eyes.
"Ok so I don't want you to set your expectations too high, keep in mind it's just a starter home. Oh and of course we'll have to get an elevator or something installed so you can get upstairs but just don't-" I cut him off with a kiss.
"Freddie, you bought and designed it so I'm sure it's very lovely, I don't care if it's small." Freddie smirked when I said that.
"Oh get your mind out of the gutter you dirty snake." I laughed.

When we pulled up to the house i thought it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. The house was pretty small, but it looked like a cabin it was so pretty. He brought us all inside and showed us around the living room, the kitchenette that was connected to the study area, and the bathroom. Obviously I couldn't go upstairs, and since I couldn't Freddie wouldn't go up because 'it wasn't nice' for him to go and see it while I was downstairs even though I told him it was fine many times. While we sat downstairs Brian and John went upstairs to have a look. While they were up there Freddie just described what he had told them to make it look like to me.
"Well when you first go upstairs it has this little empty space that plan to put my piano, your drum kit, and a book case. To your right of that will be the guest room, and if you go through the guest room there is a door on the other side that leads you to the kid room. The kid room has a bathroom attached, because even though we haven't even seriously talked about the kid yet I still want to spoil it. Anyways, so now go back to the top of the stairs and go left their time, this is our room it's going to have a walk-in closet for my mounds of clothes and then it has a huge bathroom attached."
"Sounds beautiful Freddie, I cant wait to move in here and actually start a family with you. I love you Freddie!"
"I love you too Roggie to Mercury and back." He giggled.

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