Well there goes that...

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*freddie pov*

While we were eating I was testing my luck with roger. I kept moving closer and closer until he would tell me to scoot over or give me a dirty glare. I was a centimeter away from him that was as close as I could get. I decided to "spill" some tea on him not much but just enough where he would need to clean it off. I dribbled a little tea on his lap he shot up in shock, probably because the tea was mildly hot but I didn't think about that "FREDDIE PLEASE BE MORE CAREFUL!!!" Roger steamed. "I am so sorry darling let me get that love" I grabbed my napkin and began patting closer and closer to his member when I finally got there he jerked a little. "Oop sorry dear I wasn't paying attention" I said with a dirty smirk on my lips, John and Brian looked at each other with disgust. Roger was trying his hardest to tune out of what was happening.


We arrived at the studio so bri and deaky could try and fix the bass and guitar parts they screwed up yesterday. Me and roger were sitting across from each other on the couch. I couldn't help but look at him 'he had a great ass' I kept thinking to myself. "Fred!" John mildly shouted "come over here and start some... v-vocals" his sentence slowly faded out and he had an awkward look across his face and a blush grazed his face. "What is it darling" I mouthed to him trying to figure out the problem. He pointed to my cock with his other hand covering the motion trying not to let brian see. "Oh.. well I'm going to run off to the restroom, I've had too much tea!" I said quite panicked 'how could I let myself get hard right now we are working' I tried everything I could to get rid of my erection but I kept thinking about roger and getting a tad harder each time.

I knew there was only one thing I could do I pounded my hand against my huge throbbing cock putting some towel in my mouth to muffle the moans. I finally reached my climax and quickly grabbed some paper towels so my cum wouldn't have exploded all over the place, I made sure I had no bulge before I exited the restroom. I ran out of the restroom as quick as possible trying not to cause any suspicious "Fred what took ya so long" Bri and Rog said at the exact same time. "I-I was um..."- "let's get to it guys" John exclaimed trying to save me the embarrassment. My face was as red as a ruby that had just been polished. I was still sweating from the excitement that had just occurred in the stall "Fred you look a bit rough are you ok" Brian said with worry in his eyes " i-I have quite the... em.. headache " 'that was the worst excuse ever what are you doing' I thought. " oh well why don't you head on to the flat we are almost done anyhow". "Alright I suppose I will" almost darting out of the studio I called a taxi because I did not want to walk right

When I got to the flat I sat down on the couch next thing I know I'm dosing off.
"Fuck you're so good" i moaned. I grabbed at the little drummers messy locks trying to force my length down his throat. "Lie down" I shouted in a demanding voice. " ok" the little drummer murmured slightly out of breath. "One sudden move and I'll stop" I warned roger could only force a nod. I peppered kissed down his neck leaving little love bites as a trail of where I'd been, Rog tilted his head back and closed his eyes. "Open your eyes I want to see the pleasure" I demanded. He slightly forced his eyes open they were flickering out of pleasure. I resumed making my way down his soft chest. I started to stroke and pepper kisses along his thighs. He buckled his hips trying to get me to touch his painfully erect member I stopped in my tracks " now roger what did I tell you, do you want me to get on with it" he violently nodded and moaned. I licked a thick line from his base to his swollen tip, I took his length deep into my throat. He grabbed at my hair as I was managing to Moan out his name causing a vibration to go on his cock making him moan and tremble "oh freddie you're so good Freddie... oh freddie, Fred, FREDDIE!"

I jumped awake noticing I was palming myself through my trousers. "Freddie what the hell are you doing." John sounded quite shocked. "I seem to be in one of my moods darling" I whispered seeing there was no point in trying to hide what was happening, he knew deaky already saw. " yes I'm aware but you usually don't moan Rogers name..." he said sinking into himself as if he regretted saying that. "I most certainly did not, you are hearing things John Deacon!" I snapped. "What ever you say" John walked back to his room. I switched the TV on trying to distract myself from what just happened.


Roger walked in around 7pm looking quite stressed I walked over to him not afraid to loose anything. I kissed him right on the lips, what surprised me most was that he kissed me back for a while. He then leaped back "Freddie what the fuck are you doing!" He snapped as he grabbed himself trying to hide his ever hardening member. "Oh you loved it darling, didn't you" I gave his large hardening member a tap. He jolted and suddenly a red shade brushed over his cheeks "I did not, I- I like women Fred"
"I'm sure you do love" I looked at his bulge,he grabbed himself and speed walked to his room.

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