Oh shittt

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A/n imma put a lil more Breaky in this chapter bc I honestly forgot that was a thing bc school got me fucked up

john pov

It was a long night for me I mean I listened to freddie and roger shag for over half of the night until I got tired enough to ignore the sound. When I woke up this morning I felt as though my eyelids could melt at any moment in time so I decided to stretch a little bit and get myself dressed. We weren't going to the studio today so I decided upon asking Bri to breakfast with me, I was so nervous. I decided to wear bootcut jeans, my tan platforms, and a maroon button up.

I went over to Freddie and I's shared bathroom to try and fix myself up just a little. I brushed my teeth and brushed my long wavy hair. When I was about to leave I gave myself one last look to make sure I looked good enough, and I looked ok but I just decided I couldn't do anything else. My body was starting to shake a little with nerves, I've never done anything like this I don't usually make the first move. Technically it wasn't the first move but to me it felt like it. My hand knocked on Brian's door before I even realized I was there.

The door opened and a sleepy brian appeared from the darkness. Even though he just woke up he still looked great, other things could be said about his hair but that's ok. I was taken from my thoughts when I heard Bri start to speak.

"What are you doing here?" He smirked.

"I was um.. well I was just... kinda uh... wondering if uhm-"

"I'd love to go get breakfast with you John." He kissed me on the cheek and I blush harder than ever before.

"How'd you know what I was going to say?"

"It was an honest guess and I was planning on asking you that anyway. So where do you want to go?"

"Well I was kinda wanting to go to The Sunshine Diner down the street. What do you think?"

"I think that sounds lovely, I'll meet you in the kitchen in about an hour."


                                 Roger pov

I woke up and felt Freddies toned arms around my waist, Ive never felt more safe. I stretched as much as I could without waking freddie but that seemed to not work because he started to stir. His face contorted a few times, he was so cute.
"I love you" I whispered as I kissed his forehead softly. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times trying to figure out what was going on.
"Oh hey Roggie, I love you too dear." He kissed me gently on the lips and I turned the other way.
"Grosssss morning breath let's brush our teeth before we do any of that."
"Okayyyy" and with that I walked to Brian and I's bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair.

I walked over to Freddie bathroom and wrapped my arms around his waist then rest my head in between his shoulder and neck. He grabbed one of my hand and lifted it to his mouth to kiss it. The biggest smile stretched across my face.
"What do you say we get a shower and then go out for some breakfast? Is that alright darling?" He murmured against my head.
"Yeah that sound great love."
I sat myself down in the sink and waited for freddie to turn on the shower. Once the water was on he started to undress and I saw all the love bites and scratches on his skin from last night and started to smile widely. Then I took off my clothes and saw nearly the same sight, we had it good last night I mean freddie even had a bit of a limp this morning.

When the water was finally warm enough freddie stepped into the shower and put his hand out to invite me in. Freddie began to rub shampoo into my hair and massage my scalp. He then rinsed the soap out and put some conditioner in. Then he started to rub shampoo into his hair. I put some body wash onto myself and watched as Freddie ran his fingers through his hair 'how does he look so majestic?' I thought to myself. When we were done washing we got dressed and headed out to a little spot near our apartment it was called The Sunshine Diner.

Once we got to the small diner Freddie opened the door for me and we stood at the entrance to be seated when freddie tapped my shoulder.
"Is that Bri and deaky over there?" I looked over to where his head was directed and sure enough I saw deaky and Bri so I nodded to confirm his suspicions.
The server told us to follow her and she sat us about three tables down we sat in a booth so the two wouldn't see us. We decided that we would do a little bit of spying to see how their little date was doing, but as soon as we were sat down they got up to leave. Too bad we were just getting ready to spy on them. Freddie and I had a wonderful breakfast with it without eavesdropping on the newest couple. We headed back to the apartments to watch a movie we were going to invite John and Bri to watch it with us.

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