Love of my life

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So basically we gon skip a whole ass year and here we are the rehearsal wedding for disco daddy and cloud man. I understand I prolly suck for this, but I had no fucking clue how to carry on from there so like, I'm the worst.

Brian pov

John and I were going to be getting married at an outdoor venue that was practically covered by flowers, it was beautiful. As of right now I am trying to help get everyone into their places for the rehearsal while John was stressing the fuck out. Our best man was a good friend of ours from high school, David Bowie, and he was not even here yet so yeah that was kinda worrying, I'll agree with John on that one.

Finally after a whole hour everyone was in their spots and we were ready to rehearse. After a good half hour we were 'ready for a break' by Freddie's standards, but literally no one had a single clue what they were supposed to be doing in the wedding still. I guess we'll get to that after our so called 'well deserved break'. I went to go catch up with John, because I just wanted to escape everyone else, but when I got to John he looked upset. I walked up to him and hugged him tightly following that I gave him a kiss on the cheek. We sat down on the bench behind us and he rested his head on my shoulder.
"What's in that pretty little mind of yours baby?" I spoke and he let out an audible sigh.
"It's just that nothing is really going as planned. I mean I guess I should've expected this with the people we're friends with." He sighed and let out a chuckle.
"You're right, but hey it doesn't have to be perfect, the less perfect it is the more we'll remember it. The only thing I'm looking forward to is being your husband." I shot him a wink and he blushed a bright pink.
"You have a good point, I was just being a little selfish, I guess."
"No baby, you weren't being selfish you just had a vision for this, and your vision was not being put into play. I do agree with you that we do need to calm down a few of our friends before tomorrow though." I laughed.

For about ten minutes we just sat on the bench and talked about our plans for the honeymoon whilst I played with his soft hair. Freddie came inside of the shed that we had hidden in to tell us that they were ready to get back to rehearsing. I got up, helped John up, then we walked hand in hand -very slowly might I add- up to the venue again. Everyone had seemed to calm down, well for the most part. The rest of the rehearsal went smoothly, so after the rehearsal John and I parted ways. We both decided not to have a bachelor party, so I went to Fred's house, because he wouldn't let us sleep together the night before my wedding. He also wouldn't let me see what John had picked out to wear so I was in the dark for that. While I stayed in at Fred's house while Rog and John stayed at my house for tonight. I was so excited about tomorrow that I barley slept, well that and freddie kept talking about how happy he was for us, good times really.


The next day Freddie had woken me up at the crack of fucking dawn to get me ready even though our wedding wasn't til 12. Freddie literally forced me into my suit, then took me out because apparently eating in it was too much of a risk. After I had finally had my breakfast Freddie, once again, shoved me into my suit and began to sort out my hair and groom the beard that I had been growing for a couple weeks. My suit was black with a white button up, and I had on black dress shoes to go with it.

After Freddie had finally finished grooming me and whatnot I drive us over to the venue, because deaky and I had planned on taking pictures before our wedding. We had originally wanted to do it after, but we were going to have an after party so there would be no time for pictures. I walked over to the little shed thing that had there. Freddie told me to wait there so they could get deaky and have some kind of  grand reveal, I don't know the planning was all deaky.

I heard a gentle tap on the wood of the shed behind me. I walked around the shed to see a gorgeous deaky on the other side, my first reaction to seeing him was to cry, because in that moment it became so real and I couldn't be more happy. He however started to cry when he saw me cry because he did that a lot, whenever he would see anyone cry he would always cry because he felt bad. John was in a white tux that had black pants, his shoes were black and white. He looked so cute right then all I wanted to do was kiss him, but that was out of the question, because John said it was bad luck or some bullshit like that. However I didn't kiss him because I respected his little superstition and didn't want to upset him because I loved him.

I was standing at the front of the tent we had set up so that the sun wouldn't be in our eyes waiting for deaky to walk down the isle. I was tapping my fingers on my thigh because I had suddenly become very nervous for some reason. Probably the fact that there was at least a hundred people watching me stand there waiting for John. Soon enough I heard people screaming and clapping so I turned around to see deaky walking my way. Of course I starting crying again because I was so fucking excited to be married to that perfect boy. He began to walk faster when he saw me looking at him, I thought it was pretty cute.

When he had got up to the front with me I took his hands and kissed both of them. The ceremony then began and we both said our vows and such. When the preacher said I could kiss John I didn't hesitate one bit, I pulled him into a passionate kiss and even brought in some tongue. John pulled away with a blush, I guess it was a bit much for him, but hey I was just a lil excited who could blame me. Everyone then headed for the barn area where the after party was going to be, this was going to be one hell of a night.

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