I have a question

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*freddie pov

The young waiter sat Roger and I at one of the tables near the back. The table had a red cover over it, rose petals, and a candle in the center adding a little bit of light to the dim room. Roger looked over at me with hearts in his eyes.

"Aw freddie this is absolutely perfect"

"I know dear I couldn't settle for any less, because you are perfect love"

He kissed me on my cheek and reached for his chair. I gently tugged his arm back and pulled his chair out for him, I then moved over to my chair and sat down. He put his hands on the table with his palms open. He made a grasping motion, so I put my hands into his and stroked over his knuckles and stared into his sapphire eyes, they were so full of life. I loved them and I loved him. My thoughts were so rudely interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

"Excuse me, but are you two ready to order or should I come back?"

"No we are ready to order, are you ready to listen?" I put a little more sas in my voice than needed only because he ruined the moment and I was kinda mad.

"Yeah" he rolled his eyes and roger shot a glare at him, who knew his eyes could turn so dark.

"Well I'll have a bottle of your finest champagne and two glasses of red wine. I'll also have a order of fried rice and teriyaki chicken." I tapped Rog making sure he knew it was his turn to order.

"Um I'll have the vegetable lo mein"

As the server walked away he rolled his eyes and mumbled "fuckin queers" under his breath. I just so luckily heard it but didn't want to be too dramatic so I chose the least petty option I had.

I cleared my throat and talked loud enough for him to hear "oh and I'll have a new server also if that's not too much of a hassle. I mean it shouldn't be but you seem to be incapable of the smallest things." Roger squeezed my hand to stop me from saying anything else so we wouldn't get kicked out. The server stormed away.

I kissed Rogers hand and shot him a naughty wink. Rog turned as red as a cherry.

"You know what we have to do tonight" I smirked and Rog nodded whilst grinning like mad.

"Hey um fred I wanted to uhm a-ask you s-something" I got a little nervous because when someone says that it's usually never good.

"Go for it love, no need to be afraid." I'm one to talk.

"Uhm- I was wondering I-If uh... never mind ya know it doesn't matter."

"No you have to tell me now. You've peaked my curiosity darling."

"Ok, but please don't be mad." Oh shit now I'm really fucking nervous.

"Why would I be mad at you dear just ask the question it can't be that bad."

"Ok so uhm canitoptonight?" His last few works clung together he said them so fast I couldn't understand what he said.

"Could you say that again I couldn't really understand you?" I reassured him with my eyes and gently squeezed his hands, i still had no idea what worked him up so much.

"Can I top tonight?" He sounded a little defeated, but a tad more confident this time.

"Of course."

"That's it? Just of course, no laughing or saying no?"

"No I have no problem bottoming, I mean with that cock of yours it's going to be great."

"Freddieeeee, shhhhh."

"Oh hush it dear you love it when I talk like this." I smirked and his blush never faded.

A new server came over to our table with our orders and we had many great conversations and even better food. To think this date started out so badly. It was all perfect, I was practically in heaven. I paid for us and we headed back home.

After we arrived at the house I couldn't stand it anymore, Rogers ass looked too good not to be touched. I grabbed his ass and cornered him attacking his lips with mine. I sucked on his bottom lip while worked at his belt. I worked my way down to his mouth and began sucking the soft spot on his neck. He was going mad, moaning every few seconds. He began to tug at my shirt so I quickly pulled it off to please him. He ran his soft hands over my hairy chest, while I was sucking his neck. I was finally done with his pants and slid them down his thighs, I pulled my own pants off. I slipped his shirt off.

We moved over to the living room, my mouth never leaving his body. I gently shoved him into the couch, and I crawled on top of him touching and kissing lower and lower until I was at his throbbing cock. I gently wrapped my lips around the bright pink tip of his cock. My tongue was swirling around his dick and lapping at the veins on his cock. His moans started to get sporadic and his hands were gripping harder on my dark wavy hair, I could tell he was close so I took him out of my mouth. He moaned with dissatisfaction and tried to touch himself while I was getting up. While I grasped his wrists so he wouldn't finish himself off I growled seductively against the shell of his ear, "you won't be able to top if you finish yourself off right now will you?" He shivered at my dominating tone.

He pushed me against the couch and then bent me over the armrest. He then sprinted over to the kitchen counter to grab lube, he pressed some of the substance onto his fingers and pressed them against my entrance. He kissed me passionately and pressed a finger into me and began working it in and out. As he was prepping me I was letting out breathy moans into our kiss. Eventually I was prepped enough and I began begging Rog to fuck me senseless and he provided. He slid his cock into me and slapped my ass. Once he was fully inside he stood still for a second until I was comfortable and he didn't feel like he would cum if he moved. He fucked my brains out and I could tell I would be sore for a few days. A few minutes had passed and I was about to explode I breathed out for roger to touch so I could cum and he did, damn did that ever feel good. He looked down and immediately came deep within me. All of my muscles relaxed and I melted into the couch, then I felt Rogers arms under me, he lifted me and carried me to my bed. He left for a second, but soon came back and cuddled into me. That might have been the most peaceful sleep of my life.

Sorry about this chapter I know it's bad but I had some real bad writers block today and I also didn't want to keep y'all waiting. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it.

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