The night comes down

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Roger pov

I woke up with Freddie's arms tightly around my waist, such a wonderful way to wake up. As soon as I stretched and sat up I grabbed my engagement ring and slid it on my finger. I never slept with it on because I was afraid I'd loose it in my sleep. Freddie began to move around a little then he opened his eyes and looked up at me.
"Good morning baby." He said with his sexy as fuck morning voice.
"Good morning daddy." I said teasingly but he seemed to like that. He began to suck on my neck and rub at my cock through my boxers, that was until the phone rang.

When I got to the phone I picked it up and from the corner of my eye I see Freddie sneaking up to me with a naughty look.
"Roger? Helloooo?"
"Oh hello sorry, um who is this?"
"It's brian."
"What did ya need Bri? Is everything okay?" When those words came out of my mouth Freddie was on his knees in front of me tugging my boxers down. I shook my head violently at him and pointed at the phone which only caused him to chuckle. Then he started to tease my cock with his hand. I just let out a sigh of defeat.
"Uh yeah everything is fine I was just wondering if you and Freddie wanted to join John and I for dinner?"
"Yeah that sounds GREattt... mhm"
"Are you okay Rog?"
"Mhm yep I'm goOD!"
"You don't sound too good, but what do you two want to eat." At this point Freddie brought his mouth over to my cock and put my tip in his mouth and started to swirl his tongue around it.
"AH it Mhm yeah it DOEsnt really matter to ME, whatever you Two WAnt will AH be fine" I managed to say.
"Ok well I'm going to let you go because I can hear Fred sucking you off, but it was a good try to cover it up. Anyways bye I'll see you two at 5."
"Bye B-briAN."

He hung up the phone and Freddie was now deepthroating me and flicking his tongue against the underside of my cock.
"I uhn c-can't....Fred I'm-im gonna c-cum Freddie!"
This only caused him to suck harder until I shot my cum deep into his throat he just let out a satisfied groan.

After I gave fred a quick handy we both went to the shower to freshen up a little. Freddie then picked out both his and my outfits for tonight, but for now we both tossed on a new pair of underwear and a hoodie. We laid down on the bed and began to cuddle again.
"Hey Freddie?"
"Yeah roggie?"
"Do you think you'll ever want kids?"
"Of course, but uh I don't really want a baby I much prefer when they're older."
"So you want to adopt a teenager?"
"I would love to they're so much more fun I mean imagine how much drama we would listen to I would LOVE that!"
"I'm sure you would." I chuckled.
"Oh and we can be the sexy sport daddies if they decided to play a sport." He sounded so excited.
"Of course we would no one is as beautiful as us." I joked.
"I would definitely want a girl, because having a guy wouldn't be as fun that don't have as much drama."
"Okay I was just wondering." I pecked him on the lips.
"Also when do you want to get married Freddie?"
"Anytime darling I mean we could go down to the court house right now if you wanted to."
"Ok let's do it."
"LETS DO IT AHHHH!" Freddie shrieked.
"Shhh I know it's excited but I really don't want to get kicked out of the apartment" I giggled into his neck.
"Well you'd best get dressed if you really want to go now Rog." He was smiling from ear to ear, but I couldn't say anything I was the same way.
When we arrived at the courthouse we had to fill out many, many papers until we were finally allowed to be married, but before we knew it we were husband and husband.
"AHHHH!!!! I can't believe you're actually my husband darling!"
"I know it's really exciting, if I'm honest when we first started dating, us being married wasn't a thought in my mind."
"I felt the same way dear, but look at us now!" He let out an excited chuckle, which I cut off with a kiss.
"We need to go to my parents house or my mum will loose her fucking mind!" I laughed into his neck.
"Oh and then my parents next!!"

When we finally managed to tell our parents he news they were both ecstatic and attacked-us with hugs and excited shrieks. We left and the time was now 4:30 so we decided to just go ahead and head to John and Brian's apartment for dinner. On the walk there Freddie was holding my hand tightly and still had the widest grin on, he looked so hot so I gently kissed his upper arm to remind him. He looked down at me and then picked me up and spun me round a few times.
"Darling we just HAVE to get Bri to snap a few pictures of us I need pictures for my desk!"
"Alright." I giggled like a little girl and cuddled into his chest as he continued to hold me.

Eventually we made it to their apartment and knocked, the door was answered by deaky who was in a towel.
"Uh hi?"
"Hello? Did brian not tell you we were having dinner?"
"Umm no, he went out to get groceries and now he's in our room. I'll go speak with him you two make yourselves at home."
"Okay dear."
Lil deaky sprinted off blushing madly, because he was embarrassed that we saw him in a towel.

John pov

I was kinda upset with Brian for not telling me we were having dinner with them, because I just embarrassed myself out there. I barged into the bedroom but closed the door gently because I felt bad. I walked into the bathroom to see Brian all fancied up.
"Briiiii" I whined.
"What is it baby?"
"Why didn't you tell me the other two were coming"
"Oh shit I'm so sorry I thought I told you but I guess I didn't. I'll pick you out something to wear. Are the other two out there?"
"Yeah I just greeted them in a towel." I poured and blushed because I was still very embarrassed. I hate when people see me shirtless that do not need to see me shirtless.
"I'm so sorry baby I'll make it up to you tonight okay?"
"Okay." I smiled lightly.
"Brian dear!?" I heard Freddie shout from the living room.
"Could you come take a picture of the new married couple?"
"WHAT?!!!!" Bri and I shouted at the same time. Fred was now at the bedroom door but didn't let himself in he just knocked.
"Just speak from there deakys not dressed."
"Okay, but anyways Rog and I got married today!"
"Really?! I'm so excited for you two I'll take your pictures just wait a moment I promised my deaky I'd pick out his outfit for him."
"Ok take your time darling."

Bri and I were talking about them being married while he picked out my out fit. We were so happy for them! It just made me wonder when Bri was gonna deal the deal on us though... I don't want to rush him though I want him to do it on his own time and if that's ten years from know so be it I'll wait for him because I love him dearly, and I don't want to let him go.

Brian soon left me to get dressed and fixed up when he left to go take pictures of the new married couple. I wonder who took who's last name? About an hour later I was finally dressed and ready for dinner.

Y'all this next chapter is hopefully gonna be so much better. There should be more breaky in it too ;). Also I'm sorry the wedding was so rushed and not fancy at all my bad, but I honestly couldn't wait lmao. That might be a bad thing but oh wellllll. And again thank you all for the support on this story it means so much to me. Much love <3

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