Well that sucks

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*freddie pov*

I was beginning to get dressed I put on a tight pair of leather pants and a almost see through white shirt. I went to the bathroom to work on my hair, but not exactly wanting to I just brushed it and let it be. I put on a light coat of dark eye makeup. I tossed on my bracelets and brushed my hair once more. 'Should I wear the black platforms or the black trainers' I thought to myself, I slid my feet into the platforms and dashed out of my room being met with a stunning Rog almost making me almost gain another hard on, now wouldn't that be horrible. As we walked to the door Deaky poked his little head around the corner looking pretty as always, but I had my attention on roger today attempting to turn him on before next week...

We walked down to the nearest restaurant -it was 5 minutes from our flat- we had some good food and a good chat about life and a whole assortment of different things. Rog dropped his silver ware when John told a rather funny joke he bent down to get it in the process his elbow prodded at my member while trying to reach his fork. My member was getting harder than I even thought possible it was almost busting out of my leather pants. Rog got back up he didn't see my growing bulge surprisingly. I had my arm pressed against myself thinking about Bris hair (sorry brian lmaoo) to stop my erection from growing any harder.

We finally got the bill after our meal you could still see quite a large bulge poking out of my tight leather pants the friction was terrible almost making it impossible to make myself soft again. We ran down to a pub as I was holding my erecting cock down as much as possible with my hand.

When we arrived at the pub my erection was mostly gone and I was about to get fucking wasted. "Three shots of vodka please" I said in a loud voice. I guzzled them down as soon as they were placed on the counter, I headed out into the crowd of people and danced my ass of. When I thought I was about pass out I downed 4 more shots livening up just enough to sing some karaoke -probably very horribly- Rog and deaky dragged me off the stage when I was done to try and stop me from further embarrassment. When we were about to leave Rog had to use the restroom so I took the time to down another shot while deaky was distracted by the dancing people.

*roger pov*

When we left the pub Freddie was out of it me and deaky were left to carry him back to the flat which wasn't to terrible. Once we got there me and deaky laid Fred on the stairs while I unlocked the door. I let deaky head inside and I dragged Fred to his bed which was still a mess considering the earlier encounter today I decided to forget about. I laid him down and he opened his eyes "oh s-sweet roggie you are ve-very strong aren't you big b-boy" he mumbled it was almost incomprehensible. I pulled off his pants he had a giant erection which I chose to ignore because he was very visibly drunk "ohhhh you like what you see don't you" Fred mumbled but I ignored that statement. He leaned in for a kiss I backed up as fast as I could dodging his kiss. 'Wow he must be pretty fucking drunk' I thought to myself, just then I heard Freddie mutter under his breath " c-come on Roggie yo-you're no fu-funnnn, sleep in here I'm Lon-lonelyyyyyy." I knew that was not an option looking at Freddie's condition.

I turned the lights out and went over to bri's room and ask him how his date with Chrissie went. I then walked into the bathroom to take a quick shower. I dried off quite quickly and I walked out with a towel wrapped around my waist. I walked over to my room flipped on the lights and began prepping my outfit for tomorrow, John then walked in making sure I know that we are going for breakfast at 9 tomorrow morning. After John leaves I finally picked out my outfit and I then went to the kitchen to get some tea quickly I drank it down almost burning my throat off. I walked back to my room and flipped the lights off taking off my towel and lying in my bed and closed my eyes.


It was two in the morning and I felt arms wrap around my waist, I looked over to Freddie who had an almost empty bottle of champagne next to him. I thought to myself that it was a dream because I really didn't want to deal with it right then. I think he heard me waking, as he turned his head to me and said "I-I know you wanna suck ittttt" he pointed at his huge erect cock. "Freddie what the fuck is wrong with you, STOPPP!!!, GET THE FUCK OUT". Fred looked quite hurt but also very drunk so I didn't think much of it as he moped his way outta my room as tears streamed down his face. 'Aw shit I didn't mean to hurt him, he won't remember it though he's drunk' I said quietly to myself.

When I woke up to get ready I popped on some black trousers and a striped long sleeve with just some basic trainers, we were just going to grab some breakfast so nothing too fancy. I walk out to try and find the others. John was just wearing some jeans and a t-shirt. Brian was wearing clogs, black pants and a black button up. Freddie was going all out he was wearing a very very tight pair of leather red pants, a white v-neck, a snug fitting leather jacket, and the black platforms he wore last night. I have to admit Freddie did look quite amazing, but I mean that in no other way than friendly.

We walked down to a breakfast spot we went to quite often. Freddie sat next to him and Brian and John day next each other on the other side of the booth. Freddie was scooting very close, too close for my comfort so I scooted over a little hoping he would get the memo. Of courses didn't and just stayed with our thighs touching so I asked Freddie very kindly to scoot over a tad and he did but he moved no more than a centimeter.

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