Keep yourself alive

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Freddie pov

Roger and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie when he got up to fix us some food. He came back with two bowls of microwaved macaroni because neither of us can cook for shit and he didn't want to burn down the apartment today that would be quite a shame.
"Hey babe I'm sorry I can't cook" he chuckled, "but seriously we do need to get some groceries tomorrow."
"Ok dear"
He cuddled into me and we both ate our macaroni while I played with his hair. We both fell asleep on the couch because ya know we were too schlumped to walk about ten feet to our bedroom.

The next morning I woke up to see that roger was no longer in my arms, so I got up to try and see where he was. All I found was a note on the kitchen counter.
Dear Freddie,
I'm guessing the reason you are reading this is because you are looking for me. No need to be worried though since I'm only at the store picking us up some groceries. I'll see you in a bit I love you loads.
-rog xo
I cooed at the note, I don't know why but I found it adorable that he left me a little note since he knew I'd be worried like mad. I then laid down for a nap to wait for Rog to come back.

A few minutes had passed when I heard the door open and I heard the crinkling of plastic bags. I walked over to the kitchen to see Rog putting up the groceries, I am so happy I married this man.
"Hey baby. Thank you for getting the groceries, I love you."
"I love you too." He smiled and walked over to me to wrap his arms around my waist tightly but I didn't mind. I kept hugging him and laid my head on his and kissed his hair. He looked up with his glacier blue eyes and pressed a gentle kiss on his lips. Slowly, I moved us against the the wall and grabbed his ass. He let out a soft moan against my lips, and opened his pink lips slightly so I could put my tongue in. He tasted like cheap wine and cherry lip balm.

I picked him up slightly so that his legs were wrapped round my waist, but then I remembered that we had to get to the school before 8 and right now it was 7. Might I also add that it took a good 20 minutes to get to the school and we also had to set up our stuff at the school so we only had 30 minutes to get ready.
"What babe?"
"We have leaves in like 30 minutes."
"Mmmm I don't wanna, couldn't you just tell them I'm sick? Pleaseee?" Rog whined and looked at me innocently, damn he was good at getting his way. "Okay ya brat, but you better have something planned for me tonight since I'm such a good husband."
"Thank ya babes, love you. I've got to think something up since you've been so good to me." He smirked and when he smirked he always had something good ready, and damn was I more than ready to find out.

Eventually I made it to the school and into my classroom, maybe a little later than usual, but I was there so who could complain. As soon as I got in my room there were five minutes until class started so I quickly placed the children's folders down on their assigned seats. Yes bitch I am that teacher, I want trying to make them hate me I just wanted to make the little "tough guys" group mad.

Then I quickly set up the pictures of Rog and I from Bri, because I already missed roggies precious face. The students rushed into the classroom and groaned when they realized I had made assigned seats. I only laughed because their reactions were too funny. The class went as usual until I heard the phone ring, I sprinted over to pick it up before it ended.
"Hey" I heard sniffles and it sounded like roger.
"Mhm." He hummed as to say yes.
"Are you okay baby? Why are you crying? Do I need to come home?" I said loudly because I was scared, my students just looked at me as if I was insane.
"Uhm well- please don't be mad, but I was going to go down to get some lunch and I Uh I fell down the stairs-"
"Oh my god are you okay baby!?!?!?!?"
"Yeah I'm Uh ok, I'm at the hospital, and well basically they think my legs broken. Can you come see me it hurts and I'm sad?"
"You didn't have to ask of-fucking-course I'm going to see you. I'll be there in like 5 minutes. Love you."
"I Love you, see you soon.

With that last sentence I sprinted to the office so I could ask my boss to put in a sub while I went to see Rog without even telling my students what was happening. My boss told me it was no problem and that he would send in a sub right away that would tell them why I had left.

I had arrived at the hospital about 15 minutes after he had called me, I had a little trouble getting a cab there that's why it took longer than it should've. I went to a desk to ask what room number he was, when I finally got the number from the sassy receptionist I sprinted up to his room. As soon as I opened the door I saw a pitiful sight, Rog was asleep but his eyes were puffy around them since he had been crying and his leg was propped up but had a sheet over it so I figured it must've looked very grotesque. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. I scooted a chair over beside his bed so I could sit beside him and braid his hair, because he loved when people played with his hair.

He woke up shortly after my arrival and looked at me with big, sad eyes, sure he was being a little dramatic but I quite honestly didn't give a fuck. He was upset and I just wanted to make him happy again. He moved up slightly so he could see me better but scrunched his face.
"Mmm hurts." He muttered.
"I'm sorry baby. Are you feeling any better?"
"A little they gave me some medicines to reduce the pain, but they said they would have to do surgery on it because it is apparently really bad I can't really move anything below my waist. I just don't want to have surgery I've never been put to sleep before and I'm scared."
"Aw it's okay baby you'll be fine It's just like going to sleep, but like really good sleep. You feel so rested after it, and it'll only hurt a little after your done, but you'll feel so much better when you've healed." I looked back over at him and he was back asleep, glad to know he was listening to my kind words.

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