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Okay so like school is kicking my fucking ass, like I was supposed to know the entire periodic table by tmr but have I even looked at it? No. Anyways sorry for not updating you can hate me it's okay.

Freddie pov

When I woke up the next morning roger was already gone, because he had to leave early so he could get all the information he needed before the office opened. Once I had woken up I threw on some pants and went to go wake up Alyse. It always suprized me how much of a morning person she was, because I literally wanted to fucking bury myself in my mattress when I woke up. However Alyse just hopped out of bed and started to gather her things for school while I picked out her clothes.

Once we were both ready to go we got into my car and drove to the school. I quickly dropped Alyse off at her class and then sprinted to my classroom because I may have been running a lil bit late, but we don't talk about that. When I entered my classroom I saw all my students in the room and they were surprisingly sitting down in their spots.
"Hello everyone sorry I'm late I just can't function without my husband waking me up." I mumbled the last part to no one in particular and my favorite group of students just awwed.
"Okay so today I'm just going to let you all use this class time as a study hall since we have just had our concert and I need time to look for new music for us."

After I said that the students had all gotten their bags out and started to work on their homework that was probably due that day. I just sat at my desk trying to figure out what music I want to choose for the students. I had been working for no more than ten minutes when one of my quieter students, Ophelia Rivera she was one of the juniors, walked up to me.
"Um mr Mercury?" I hummed telling her to go on while I was still going through my files trying to find the music I was looking for.
"May I speak with you, like in your office, privately please?" This was odd.
"Uh yeah sure darling, go on in and I'll be with you in a second."

Once I had reorganized my files I got up from my desks and asked my students to be good while I was away. When I walked into my office I saw Ophelia fiddling with her hoodie string.
"Hello miss. Rivera what did you want to chat about?"
She just looked up at me with glossy eyes.
"W-well my um my mum kicked me out and I don't know what to do. I don't want to talk to the counselor because she'll get the police involved and I really don't want that, you know?"
Oh well that was a lot to throw on me and she was acting like it wasn't that big of a deal, what am I supposed to do???
"Oh... why did she kick you out, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Well I'm- im lesbian and she said I was a freak and that she wouldn't let a freak like me stay in her house." Tears were starting to make their way down her tan cheeks.

I paused for a second because I had no fucking clue what to say this was more of a roger ordeal. YES! How about I take her to lunch with Rog, Alyse and I, but I'll need to tell the principal of course so he doesn't think anything fishy is going on.
"Oh well would you like to go get lunch with my husband and I and we could talk this over more?"
She nodded furiously.

I sent Ophelia back to her seat and then called the principal informing him of what is happening and he said that it was alright. Then I called my beautiful husband that some call 'roger'.
"Hey babes."
"Hey, what's up?"
"Well I was wondering if one of my students could come join us for lunch, because her mom kicked her out and she wanted to talk to someone?"
"Of course she can join us, but uh I have to go now because I kind of left a patient to talk to you. Bye i love you."
"Roger you can't just do that! And I love you too."

When lunch finally came around I checked out Ophelia and Alyse then I got us all in the car to go to Rogers dentistry office so I could pick him up and we could go eat. On the way to the office I was listening to the Beatles while Ophelia was entertaining Alyse. I thought it was so cute they got along very well.

Eventually we got to the office and somehow Alyse managed to convince Ophelia to give her a piggyback  ride, but Ophelia said she was the one to suggest it. We walked into the office and I told ophelia and Alyse to go and sit down in the waiting room. The secretary led me to Rogers office while I waited for him to finish up with his last patient before his lunch break.

About ten minutes of sitting in his office he walked into the office and I couldn't help but laugh because he had a slight limp in his step. I got up from his chair and walked over to kiss him.
"Mmm I love you." He said as he cuddles into my shoulder.
"I love you too baby."
I then grabbed his hand and walked us out to the waiting room to get the kids. On the way there I slapped his ass and he let out a small squeal.
"Freddieee my ass is sore stopppp." He whined but I ignored him and gave his hand a light squeeze before kissing his cheek.

He waved at a few of his coworkers on the way out and it seemed like he had some pretty good friends here, at least I hope. Once we got the kids from the waiting room I introduced ophelia to roger.
"Okay lets go get some lunch before I starve." I announced dramatically.

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