
755 19 1

*freddie pov

I told roger I was going to get a shower but really, I snuck downstairs when I saw roger was turned the other way on my bed. I called a very fancy breakfast restaurant, we were going to go on a proper date. I planned to wake up really early to fancy up and buy Rog some black roses because I know he loves them. I ran back to my room and snuck back into the bathroom to actually take a shower so he wouldn't bring up that my hair was wet. I finished my shower and walked back into my room, Rog looked like he was asleep in one of my jumpers it was a little big on him he looked so precious. I decided I probably need to put on something other than a towel, I might cause some more action tonight and I needed to be up early, I didn't want to be in a bad mood for the date. I grabbed a t-shirt and put on my favorite pair of underwear and laid down beside Rog. He apparently heard me get into bed and woke up, he rolled to my side and snuggle into me.

"I thought we should watch a movie, but I'm too tired" he whispered to me.

"It's alright dear but we do need to be up by at least 9:30"


"It's a surprise now get some sleep dear I don't need a tired blondie on my hands tomorrow" I started to rub his back until he was fast asleep tomorrow was going to be great!


I woke up around seven, I popped on some sweatpants and some trainers. I checked to make sure Rog was still asleep and, yep he was. I walked quickly downstairs and out the door. I walked around looking for a flower shop or something and to my surprise about five minutes into my walk I saw a flower shop. I walked in the store and saw a very kind looking old lady standing at the register.

"Hello, is there anything I can help you find"

"Uh yeah actually do you have, Uh black roses?"

"I actually do not many people ask for them, but I do have them. Who's the lucky girl?"

"Well, Uh it actually a um b-boy" I don't know why I was so nervous saying that, but it just made me uncomfortable.

"Oh well let's go find the roses shall we" wow I can't believe she didn't judge me, we need more people like her these days.

I eventually got the roses and headed back to my apartment, and would ya look at that John was up early and in the kitchen.

"Have a busy day with Rog planned?" He gave me a kind smile like he was genuinely happy for us.

"Yeah, you have a busy day with Bri planned?" I raised my eyebrow a bit.

"Oh hush up, but uh I think we are dating now???"

" WHAT!! I AM SO HAPPY THIS IS SO CUTE! Oh wait you think or you are?"

"First of all can you be a tad more quite, secondly he told me he liked me and wanted me to be his boyfriend and I said yes, well I said ok."

"Congrats John, I would love to converse more about this, and in fact I think I'll question you more tomorrow, but I have to get ready for a date with Rog."

"Ok uhm thanks freddie, and good luck on the date."

I ran back to my room checked to see if Rog was up, it was about 8. I thought I'd go ahead and wake him so he could get ready. I walked over to him and he looked like an absolute angel. I kissed his cheek and tapped his side a few times until he woke up. He began to stretch, he made the cutest noises. I told him to go get dressed up but I didn't tell him why because I still wanted it to be a surprise. I began to get ready I grabbed a pair of my latex pants and my low cut bedazzled shirt. I popped them on along with my black platform shoes. I went to my bathroom and started to work on straightening my hair. I put on three silver bracelets on my left hand and a black strap type bracelet on my right wrist. I grabbed a silver choker like necklace and put it on. I finished the look with some eyeliner, I grabbed the roses and walked out of my room and to Rogers rooms.

I knocked on his door and waited a bit until he opened it, and damn he looked good. He had on some dark jeans, a black button up with only half the buttons done, a white and black jacket over the button up. To finish the look he had on some converse, sunglasses, and his hair was beautifully messed up.

"Holy shit, you look gorgeous darling."

"I could say the same about you"

"Are you ready to head out." He nodded "oh wait I have something for you" I pulled the roses from behind me and handed them over to him.

"Oh how did you know these were my favorite" he gushed

"Hmmm because I listen to your when you tell me your favorite things"

"Aww freddieeeee"

"Let's head out shall we darling"

"We shall" he winked and I started to smile uncontrollably. He put his hand in mine and we walked outside to see a limo, side note I also called a limo because I didn't want him to drive. This was going to be the best date ever.

"I-is this for us" he was smiling but had a look of confusion.

"Of course, nothing but the best for my king" he put his head on my shoulder and dragged me into the limo on the way there he was snuggling into my chest. When we got there Rog was beyond excited. A waiter was standing at the main desk so I went to him to find us out seat.

"Hello sir do you have reservations?"

"Yeah, the reservations should be under the name Mercury."

"Okay, right this way sir."

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