This should be interesting ;)

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*freddies pov*

I covered myself as much as I could and quickly wiped Rogers face with my shirt. I stood myself behind roger while trying to put my pants back on. John looked in shock and then hid his face and turned to the wall. Brian almost looked annoyed and he looked as though he was debating something in his mind.

-"o-ok well, um I'm going to pretend I didn't see that, but meet John and I at the studio in an hour. When we get home we're going to have a little chat." Brian stammered with confusion in his voice, and with that John and Brian left the house.

-"well shit..." i looked over at Rog who looked utterly mortified.

-"I told you that we shouldn't do that fred"

-"oh don't think you can fool me into thinking that you didn't like that."

-"I-i guess I'll give it to you it was great, but I am actually going to take a shower right now because there is cum all over me."

-"need some help?" I smirked and roger nodded with a cheeky look.

Rog started the shower and started to undress and I grabbed his ass because who could resist?

-"Freddie" Roger had a stern face but lust hidden deep within his ocean blue eyes that I could stare at for hours.

-"oh fuck off im just having a good time" I leaned onto him while taking off my shirt and then resting my head on his shoulders.

-"Freddie please just wait until we get into the shower I feel kinda gross" Roger pleaded with a small chuckle in his voice.

-"I guess I could settle with that" I rubbed my hand over my head for dramatic effect.

Rog popped off his shirt and then he stepped into the shower whilst I was still trying to retake off my pants. I rushed into the shower once they were off and started to rub over his body, but I promised him that I wouldn't try to fuck him, because we had a limited time schedule but it was hard when Rog looked that good. I pinned him against the shower wall and started to suck on his neck because I just couldn't resist. By the time I pulled off of his neck his neck was mostly purple "mine" I whispered against the shell of his ear which was barely audible considering the shower was running.

He peeled himself from under me and started to rub soap through his hair. I moved his hands and started to rub the soap into his hair. He turned to wash the soap out of his hair and I started to bring against him. "Freddie, you promised, also we only have 40 minutes to get to the studio"

-"alrighttttt" i grumbled with a pout

After he washed himself and I washed myself we got dressed and were about to head to the studio. Obviously roger was going to drive not that he was good, but I couldn't drive. We walked out of our flat and got into the car. We were on our way to the studio and every time I looked over at roger I got very turned on. His tight jeans, pink lips, blue eyes, ruffled blonde hair, his neck with light purple love bites, damn he was perfect. I put my hand on his shoulder and lightly traced a line along his chest and down his stomach until I got near the bottom of his stomach. I think he was trying to ignore me in order to not get hard but he was starting to harden so I think his plan failed. I pressed my hand down on his lower stomach so I could easily slide my hand into his pants.

-"Freddie stop I gotta piss" Roger grumbled

I just shrugged and then I started to trace the top of his jeans with my index and middle finger to tease he gradually getting harder and harder until he started to wiggle a little while he was driving.

-"Freddie I'm driving for gods sake I'm gonna piss in the car" he hissed

-"alright well I'll just unbutton these" I grabbed the button on his pants and worked at the zipper "to help you out a little" once his pants were unzipped I pulled them down a little, keep in mind roger wasn't fighting me so he wasn't that against me fooling around a little. I pulled his boxers down and grabbed his cock and started to gently pump and starting to get a little faster with each hand movement. "Oi, fuck Fred we're at the bloody studio now" roger said as calm as he could considering the situation. "Well I guess I'll just put your pants back on you." Roger was visibly unraveling with lust "are you not gonna finish me" he pouted "no rog we're at the studio you said it yourself" I then hopped out of the car as if nothing happened .

When I got to the steps of the studio roger shot me the most sad lust filled look I knew I would have to finish him off later. He walked over to me covering himself since he had a rather large erection, 'if he doesn't get rid of that soon I'm going to have to do that too' I thought. Once roger caught up with me and was at the door I grabbed his keys out of his coat pocket and began to unlock the door, and yes I'm aware I could've knocked for Brian and John, but considering the situation I thought against it.

I stepped inside to see Brian sitting on the couch piddling with his guitar and John at the table having himself a cup of tea. "Alright boys are we ready to get started" I announce trying to forget everything that had happened earlier. Roger sprinted for the drums so he could hide himself behind them, after we all got settled the rest of the time at the studio went pretty smooth although we didn't talk too much which I thought was ok.

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