The World is Ours

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I only have one more part planned, and you might not like the ending. Sorry lmao

Freddie pov

It had been a few months since I had dropped Ophelia off at brian and Johns and she seems to love it there. When she walks into my classroom she now has a smile on her face everyday and i couldn't be more happy for her. As for John and Brian, they absolutely love her, they also spoil her rotten being the rich fucks they are.

Rog and I haven't been too bad off either. I mean we have it all our love for each other and Alyse it's absolutely wonderful. By the way Alyse has finally broken out of her shell and I could get be more happy. She is our little rambunctious squirrel, well that's what Rog calls her and I'm not too pleased with it but if the shoe fits I guess.

Anyways enough backstory that shits boring. Today just happens to be a Saturday and Rog and I were planning on going to our nearest park. Only so we could walk on one of the trails while Alyse rides her bike. Ever since I taught her how she's been absolutely aching to go for a ride at the park, so today we decided we'd let her go.

When I first woke up Rog and Alyse were still asleep so I "cooked" us some toaster strudels, because god knows I can't make anything else. After I cooked Rog doom joined me in the kitchen and wrapped his arms around my waist while laying his head on my shoulder. I felt so lost in the moment I'll treasure these little moments forever. I was practically asleep until I heard little footsteps scampering my way.

I slowly unwrapped Rogers arms from around me while he pouted. I turned around and gave him a quick peck on the lips and we shared our 'I love yous'. As soon as we stopped staring at each other Alyse leaped into my arms and hugged Rog while in my hold.
"I love you guys!" Alyse stated excitedly while Rog and I cooed and shared a loving look at each other because of how cute our little Alyse is.
"And we love you too Alysie-bug." Rog and I said at the same time we both pecked her on the cheek while I set her down at the kitchen table.

Rog quickly latched himself back to my waist as I sat our plates down and fixed everyone orange juice.
"You do too much Freddie." Rog whispered in my ear as he kissed my neck.
"I do just enough to show you and Alyse how much you two mean to me." I spun him around and kissed his lips sensually yet quickly.
"I love you." I whispered against his lips and he just hugged me and smiled the brightest smile I've ever seen.
"I love you too, but I'm fucking hungry so let's stop being sappy." He whispered and we both giggled quietly.

When we were all finished eating I got Alyse dressed to go to the park and then went to go dress myself. When I got in the room I saw Rog all sprawled our on the bed with his hand resting on his head dramatically as if he's a dying Romeo.
"You alright there you little drama queen."
He sat up and giggled.
"Yes I'm alright for your information I have the worst fucking headache that's ever lived."
I smiled and walked over so that I could kiss his forehead and then leaned in to whisper in his ear.
"If I hadn't promised Alyse we'd go to the park I would fuck the headache out of you."

When we were all ready for the park, Rog got Alyse settled in the backseat of his car while I situated myself into the passenger side already fiddling with the radio. The ride to the park was virtually silent except for me singing to the songs I liked on the radio while I insulted the ones I didn't.

As we approached the park Alyse got increasingly excited which was understandable. So as soon as we parked I made sure to get her bicycle out as fast as I could. As soon as it was out of the trunk she was off around the little trail. That left rog and I, we watched Alyse bike around for a second, but I then grabbed his hand and kissed it to get his attention. When he looked at me I gave his lips a little attention until he broke the kiss.
"Alright let's not fuck in public Freddie." He chuckled softly. "Let's go for a little walk lovely." He kissed my cheek.

We walked around the track a few times until Rog told me his legs were getting tired for some reason, so we went back to the car to watch Alyse bike some more.
"What's wrong with your legs honey?"
"I don't know, like it doesn't hurt bad it's just like my joking feel a little weak. I guess that's just because I'm getting old, but you know what that means?"
"We're closer to death?"
"FREDDIE!!!! NO! I was going to say that means you're older than me but you had to be morbid." He playfully slapped my arm.

When Alyse was finally done we decided to go out for some lunch. After loads of debating I finally let Rog choose because he had a headache and his legs felt sore, he's a spoiled thing.
"Mmm how about some Chinese food?"
"Sure baby." I gave him a kiss to the cheek.
After a short ride we finally made it to the restaurant and I decided we should sit at the open grill since Alyse has never seen it. Once they started to cook Rog said the loud noises were making his head hurt more, so I told him to go to the bathroom for a while and I'd go get him when they were done.

When he came back I put my hand over his head and he felt kind of warm, but really nothing unusual, I guess he just has a migraine or something. For the rest of the dinner he just rested his head on my shoulder and I so lovingly fed him.
"You should go to the doctor tomorrow to see if you're getting a flu or something darling."
"Mmm Okay, buttttt can you go with me please?" He fluttered his eyelashes.
"Sorry darling, but I've got a meeting for the school, but I'll pick you up if that's enough."
"Alright." He pouted.

I hope my poor baby's not getting the flu.

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