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*freddies pov*

I woke up in a sweat my covers were all scattered among the floor and I looked down to see that my cock was up and ready for some attention (A/N lmao please don't hate me for that but I laughed). "I guess the kiss really got to me" I thought even though deep down I was a lil guilty because roger didn't seem to enjoy it as much as I did.
Anywho I sprinted to the bathroom so I could kill two birds with one stone. I started the water and got undressed. I started to brush my teeth while the water was warming up. When I spit the foam out I hopped into the shower and not surprisingly my cock was still very much erect and might I add throbbing at this point.

I did what anyone would do at this point and started pumping my cock very violently, I closed my eyes and tried to pretend that roger was sucking me. Damn was that hot I was thinking how pretty his pink lips would look around my cock "FuCk" I shouted as I came after a few minutes of pumping myself. I dipped my finger in some cum that was on the shower wall and sucked it off.

When I left the bathroom, fully dressed might I add, deaky stopped me and pulled me into his room.

-"Me and Brian have noticed that you've been acting a tad strange"

-"if this is about the dream t-that was a one time thing" I stated nervously

-"it's not just that remember what happened at the studio. But that's not what my point, Brian and I were thinking about leaving you and roger here today so you can have a little chat" he said with a bit of a blush so I assumed this wasn't his idea, but I don't know why he told Brian but I wasn't going to bring that up just yet.

-"I guess I see no harm in that it'll be good for us I guess"

- "ok so me and Brian are going to leave now please don't do anything you'll regret"

-"okay mom"


When John and Brian left I poked my head into Rogers room and he was curled into a little ball asleep. His hair was everywhere but I still thought he looked adorable 'how the fuck can someone be so cute yet so hot at the same time is that even a thing?' I thought.

I walked to the kitchen to find that Brian made roger and I a waffle so I set it back down and walked back to Rogers room. This time I was gonna wake him up.

I tapped his shoulder to see if he would wake up, but obviously he was a heavy sleeper. So I rolled him off his bed like any civilized person would. He sure woke up that time.

-"ᵂᴴᴬᵀᵀᴴᴱᶠᵁᶜᴷᶠᴿᴱᴰᴰᴵᴱ" Roger shouted very quickly

-"well maybe if you woke up the first time I wouldn't have resorted to that"

-"ok but that is not an excuse" he stated and I just kinda shrugged because I didn't think it was that bad it could've been worse I could have stolen his car he needs to think of the positives sometimes. So I ignored his statement and made my own.

-"oh and we need to talk about when I kissed you" wait why the fuck did I just say that I wanted him to forget about that.

-"o-oh ok-okay" he swallowed thickly and I did too I don't know what came over me. "But w-why'd you come in h-here"

- "oh brian made waffles!"


So I sped walked to the kitchen trying to be in front of roger because I was blushing like mad. I then sat down at the counter and started to pick at my breakfast without lifting my eyes until roger cleared his throat.

-"is you're going to kiss me and then not even look at me, where is the bold, spontaneous Freddie now?"

-"oh fuck off rog you didn't seem to like spontaneous Freddie last night."

-"last time I checked it is 10 in the morning, so uh it's not last night anymore, is it?"

-" I suppose not but it wouldn't be very spontaneous if I did it right now" I said and he stood up to go and fix himself some tea. I hopped up when he turned his back to me.

-" I suppo-" and with that I cut him off with my lips in a very sharp but passionate kiss and to my surprise he started kissing back. He opened his lips a little so I slipped my tongue into his mouth while he sucked on it. I moaned into the kiss and started grinding onto him and violently grabbing and slapping at the nice little ass of his. He started to press his hard cock against my thigh so I started to rub at his erection through his pants. He started moaning my name really loudly and thrusting himself into my thigh while still sucking on my tongue. I pinned him against the wall grinding harder against him and rubbing his bulge. I separated the kiss and started to suck on his neck leaving love bites all over him. I start nipping at his collarbone where I pulled the neck of his shirt down a bit. He started moaning louder and louder until he was reduced to a soft whimpering while tangling his hands into my hair. He finally shouted and came into his pants.

-"look at you Rog you're a mess I didn't even have to touch you was it that good" I said almost mockingly

-" well now at least you know where you get if you are bold, or will I have to show you again" he said looking very disheveled after his release "well I'm going to take a shower and change considering my circumstances as of right now"

-" ah ah ah, not yet I haven't finished yet Rog."

-"come on Fred the others will be home soon and I feel kinda gross"

- "suck my dick pretty boy" I said in the most dominating voice as I grabbed his arm, not hard enough to hurt him but to get his attention.

- "ok" he huffed

- "well you can't suck it from there get on your fucking knees" I pushed on his shoulders to be more dramatic, as I always am. He started unbuckling my belt and he drug his fingers under my shirt and traced the bottom of my stomach then he pulled down my jeans. Followed by my boxers and then he put his hand around my huge cock and started pumping. "I said suck it Roger" he then flicked his tongue over my swollen head and took my pre-cum into his mouth I moaned at the sight he then took a few inches of me into his mouth and began to gradually take more and more of me into his mouth until he was eventually deep throating me. I was virtually screaming out his name along with a few curses at this point I felt like I was unraveling at the seems, but I tried to keep my cool to hopefully impress Rog, but at one point I just couldn't keep it up. "I-I'm gonna c-cum r-Rog." I said to the best of my ability. I shot my load deep in his throat and I pulled myself out and shot the rest on his face and neck. And with that John and Brian stepped through the door...


Ok so like I kinda don't know what I'm gonna do next I have a Lil idea but if you have any suggestions please tell me. <3 :))))

Follow me on ig : roger.taylors.drumstick

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