The miracle

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Roger pov

Today was the day of my surgery that Brian had told us about the night of the 'dinner party'. Basically they were gonna go put a rod in my spine then do all of this medical stuff that I honestly don't give a shit about, but end product should end in me being able to walk again. I was beyond excited I felt like I could fuel a fucking rocket with all of this energy in me right now. After hugging and kissing Freddie more than enough times they finally brought me to the surgery, briefed me on what they were going to do as if I actually cared, then they finally put me to sleep.

Freddie pov

Once they had taken roger back to the operation room I went to sit down with Roggies mum, Bri, and John to try and take my mind off of the surgery. After the surgery Rog would definitely have to wait a few weeks before he can actually walk on his own, because he has to take many physical therapy classes and actually recover from the surgery. We were definitely going to be in this hospital for a while, because his surgery was at the least going to be 5 hours so I decided to lay three chairs together so I could lie down for a nap.

After a while I woke up because I had to take a piss, I looked around to only see mrs Taylor sitting there. Bri and John were no where to be seen I just assumed they had left since it had been a good 4 hours. I walked over to the bathroom only to hear some strange noises coming from the inside. 'I swear to god if that is Bri and deaky' I thought. I opened the door as quietly as possible and sneaked in to try and see what was happening. Just like I though at the back of the bathroom Brian had John pinned up against the back wall. They were making out and they would only stop when Brian started to suck johns neck. I was not having any of this so I cleared my throat to catch their attentions, and that it did. Brian just turned around and had a bright red blush, John just looked at me with a sassy pout.
"If you two are going to fuck at least go home I was trying to take a peaceful piss."
"Well you could've gone to the other bathroom we aren't finished yet. C'mere Bri Bri." Wow who knew John was such a sassy bottom.
"No sweetie we can finish at home, but right now we have to go and wait for roger to get out of surgery. Okay baby?"
"Alright." John sighed and turned to look at brian, John really did look like he was about to cry right then and there. Brian only wrapped his arms around John and walked out to hopefully go sit down again. Now I could finally piss.

Another two hours had passed and finally a nurse came out to tell us that the surgery was over and that it was successful. The nurse then led us all over to where rogs recovery room was and he looked so peaceful and happy. I just had to go over and kiss his forehead he just looked so precious, unfortunately they said I couldn't hug him yet because I might hurt him, but it hurt me to not be able to hug him.

Roger had finally woken up after a few more hours and he made me get water because his throat was 'drier than the fucking Sahara'. I came back with his water and put it up to his mouth, because he couldn't really feel any of his body because of the anesthetic. The rest of the day was spent with him sleeping and me going to get him stuff because apparently nurses  don't do their fucking jobs theses days.

A few days later roger had finally finished his physical therapy appointments and was now walking on his own, with the help of a cane, but that doesn't count. We had finally arrived back at the house, and roger official first day back at school would be tomorrow, mine started a few weeks back and I missed him dearly, I stopped class to call him literally every five minutes. So you bet your ass I was ready for him to be back at the school working again. As soon as we got into the house roger went upstairs to go to sleep since he's had a busy day and he needed some rest before tomorrow. I went to go get a shower before joining roger in bed and going to sleep.

Y'all wanna visit the breaky house hold next or read about Rogers first day back at school

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