The not so great pretender

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*freddies pov

When we were done at the very awkward studio practice, we decided to head down to a diner downtown to talk about the earlier events of today. On the way there me and roger walked alongside each other because we left before Brian and John, we felt it would be awkward to walk with them to our doom. After about a twenty minute walk we went inside and got us a table inside, me and roger orders drinks for us. Brian and John walked through the doors and Rogers started to shake a little because he was so nervous. I grabbed his hand under the table and gave it a reassuring squeeze and didn't let go, because I was nervous too.

John and Brian sat down in front of us Brian gazed right into my eyes with an intimidating stare while John stared away from us. In all honesty I think John was just a little uncomfortable seeing us like that I don't really think he cared as much as Brian did.

"You two seemed to be having a lot of fun while we were out" Brian stated with enough bitterness to make a cake sour. Me and roger didn't have a response all we could do is nod.

"Look I really don't care I would just rather you not do it in plain eyesight, ju-just go to your rooms or something, I don't know, but just not in front of the door what if it was your sister that walked in freddie!"

"I-i... w-we weren't r-really thinking about that, right then..." I spoke nervously and a little unsure as to how Brian would respond.

" I spoke with deaky earlier and he said he didn't care, he was just a little caught off guard. He wanted to apologize for how he reacted because he thought it was rude of him, but I think you two should apologize to him for scarring him with that sight." Deaky was getting as red as a tomato as Brian spoke about him, I think he felt a little weird because Brian shared his input.

"We're sorry we didn't really think that you two would be home so early, but in our defense we were faced away from you so you are lucky you didn't see the whole site." I giggle trying to lighten the tension because it was getting hard to breath in there.

"So are we all good now?" Roger asked trying to excuse himself from this awkward situation.

"Yeah, I-I'll get the bill" deaky said with some uneasiness still lingering in his voice.

"Thanks deaks I don't know what we would do without you!" Rog called as we walked towards the door, we started to walk to the apartment, but on the way there I slapped his ass because he looked devilishly handsome in some leather pants. "Quit it ya horn dog" Rog shrieked.

"Ah come on ya woulda done the same thing" i shot him a wink along with my statement.

"At least wait til we get to your room then I'll let ya get it" he emphasized room because of our discussion at the diner, but damn was he making me hard I had to put my hand over myself so he wouldn't tease me.

Once we arrived to the apartments I quickly slammed my lips on his and grabbed his ass and started slapping at it. He started to push me to my room because he knew I would've bent him over the kitchen counter if he didn't. I grabbed my door handle and opened the door. I then threw Rog on the bed and started to suck on his neck. "Fuck" he moaned out. I stripped him of his shirt and took my own off. He started to pull at my belt to show that I should hurry up. I threw off my pants and took his off as well. I started to lick and suck on his chest the. Proceeded to make my way down to his lower stomach avoiding making contact with his cock to tease him. I started to stroke his thighs with my other hand on his ass. Then I flicked my tongue onto his sensitive head. He moaned at the feeling I took more and more of him into my throat until he was unraveling at the seams. I took him out of my thought and he made a sound out of disappointment because of the loss of touch. I quickly grave the small bottle of lube from my dresser.

"Do you want this Rog?" I asked.

"I am so sure.. p-please Freddie!" He pleaded

"Please what"

"Fuck me w-with your huge c-cock!"

"That's all I needed to hear"

I put some lube onto my fingers and began to work my index finger into Rogers ass, he hissed in discomfort. He eventually got used to the feeling and I stuck two other fingers into his ass until he got used to the feeling, I then replaced my fingers with me cock. Roger moaned at the sudden movement I started to thrust as hard as I could when I was sure he was comfortable. I started to slap his ass while I was fucking him and he was virtually screaming my name, I was just a moaning mess because he was so tight.

Eventually roger warned me he was close so I moved my hand to his cock and started to stroke him quickly. He then unraveled and came all over our stomachs. The sight brought me to the edge and I came deep in him, once I could actually move again I pulled out and cuddle up next to him.

"Fuck that was good baby" I whispered because I didn't have the energy to fully speak yet.

"It really was I might have to sleep in your room" he smirked.

"Oh if you insist I suppose you could."

I then wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my naked body next to him. He quickly fell asleep, I was hypnotized by his scent and his breathing. I fell into one of the best sleeps of my life.

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