Teo Torriatte

605 13 10

Freddie pov

Roger came once already, but now it's my turn to be treated. Roger was still panting trying to come down from his orgasm when I sat him up. He looked at me confused, so I decided to let him know what was about to go down.
"You're gonna suck my cock right now! Do you understand?" I said in what I felt was a very dominating voice.
"Yes daddy" he practically moaned against bulge. He worked at the button and got it open. He then slid the zip down with his teeth and that was quite the turn on I'm not gonna lie. He put his hands under my shirt and onto my bare hips, then pulled down my pants and underwear freeing my painfully erect cock. I winced somewhat because it was much colder when you don't have pants on.

When I was fully naked he rubbed his hand teasingly across my cock and looked up innocently. His eyes were like bottomless pools of baby blue waves I couldn't take my eyes off of them as he was teasing my cock. Well that was until he took my by surprise and shoved me down his throat at once, I yelped pretty loudly seeing as though he was doing a good fucking job how could I not make sounds. We were getting really into and the room was filled with my moans, the bed squeaking, and the slurping sounds coming from roger that I was kinda trying to avoid but whatever. Everything was all good until I felt a smack on my arse that most certainly could not have come from roggie.
"I thought I made myself clear boys did I not?"
Roger took me out of his throat and i grumbled in dissatisfying sensation of being untouched.
"Obviously not" I sassed him a little because I was mad that I didn't get to finish. John made his was from behind Brian and gave him an innocent look. Brian looked back at John and then nodded him towards roger. John then straddled roger and began to kiss him gently and innocently, it was pretty fuckin hot seeing the younger two kiss. I turned to look at Bri with a little confusion in my glare. He took his belt off and hit me on the arse with it, I let out a moan/scream because it felt kinda good.
"I warned you didn't I"
"You could say so" I let a seductive tone cover my usual voice.

Bri made his way on top of me and began to suck on my neck and around my collar bones.
"Bri, Rogers dirty already." I heard johns soft voice say.
"And how did that happen baby" Bri responded.
"I don't know I think he's used already"
Brian gave me a glare.
"Oh you naughty boy have you finished him off already" Bri said with a dark tone"
"U-uhmm Yeahhh."
"Oh this just won't do, you have to clean him off."

John literally came out of god knows where with some sort of key and unlocked Rogers lock from earlier.
"Get to it you naughty boy, you do know that your actions had to have had some consequence." Brian teased.
I headed over to Rog with a smirk on my face I slipped roggies pants and John gasped from behind me.
"What is it darling?" I questioned.
"He-Uh was he not wearing any under wear all day?" He seemed shocked and I just shook my head and let out a breathy laugh.
"Daddy likes it better that way." Roggie answers innocently.
"I thought I told you to clean him off!" I heard brian shout, and just that instant I leaned down and licked at Rogers thighs and sucked on his cock to get his cum off of him.

Once I was finished Brian told John to kiss on roger again while he played with me. Bri took off his pants and grabbed me by my hair. He pointed his cock to my mouth. I opened my mouth and deep throated it almost instantly. He gasped and groaned in surprised. I began to work my tongue on him as I swirled it around the tip and then proceeded to flick it against his base. He was a mess at this point, but something made him straighten up and look over to John and roger. So I tried to look that way the best I could considering there was a cock in my mouth.

To my John was grinding on top of roger, I mean I knew Rog was submissive, but not that submissive. Any who roger was trying to work at Johns pants which made John whimper, I'm guessing that's the sound that made Bri turn around but I'm not sure. I heard something like a growl come out of his throat.
"Roger stop that, he doesn't like that just kiss!" He sounded very defensive, so roger stopped in his tracks which made me realize that I had trained him well.

I started deep throating Bri again until he finished off deep into my throat. He and John left the room to probably go fuck or something leaving me and Rog alone again. He sucked my dick so I could finally have my release after being denied so many times that night. We went for a shower and then laid in my bed to sleep, because his bed was kind of covered in cum. Rog was snuggled into my chest and I had my arms tightly wrapped around him.

"D-did uh... did you like that?" I asked him.
"I mean it was ok but I much prefer just you and me, so I can be properly fucked and not just kiss." His reply was muffled slightly by my chest but we both let out a breathy laugh at the last part. I kissed him on top of his head and began to play with his hair. "Hey Rog?"
"Yeah freddie?"
"Would you ever want to get an apartment of our own, and uh I was also thinking of something else too." I said.
"Of course I would love for us to have an apartment to ourselves! But what were you thing of" he questioned.
"Uh well since this whole band thing isn't really working out for us, I was thinking of going back to college to become a teacher. Thoughts?"
"Sounds great to me baby, I was kinda thinking the same thing. Wouldn't that be wonderful if we could teach at the same school!?" He said excitedly.
"That would be the best, oh and we can still do the band thing, but only on the side."
"Of course. I'm glad we had this lovely little conversation, but I am really tired and I need some sleep."
"Me too. And goodnight lovely, I love you." I whispered against his scalp.
"I love you too." He snuggled further into my chest if that was even possible.

For once I felt as if all the stars had aligned and all was right in the world. I couldn't be happier where I was now. I listened to Rogers calming light snores and let myself fall into a peaceful sleep it was lovely.

Thoughts? Do y'all like where I'm going with this? I might do a time skip here soon so I can get things really going hehehe :)

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