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Roger pov

Once Freddie and I got to the apartments we asked Bri and deaky if they wanted to watch a movie with us, and they said they did, so we all headed to the living room. Freddie and I snuggled up into the loveseat while John and Bri were on the couch. I put in the movie we decided to watch the exorcist, because Freddie and I wanted to and we are very dramatic so we got our way. John really didn't want to watch it, but it was going to be fun to watch John snuggling into Bri for protection from the movie.

When the movie began deaky already had his face hidden in bris chest, it was so adorable. Those two were such and innocent couple, but as for Freddie and I, I couldn't say the same;). I was now going on top of Freddies lap with my head resting on his head while he rested his head on my shoulder. His hands were around my waist and resting on my thighs I was so comfortable. During the scariest parts of the movie deaky was screaming and Bri was caressing his back, Bri would occasionally move too low causing deaky to slap his hand and say something like "not yet", but Freddie was asleep and he looked so hot.

The movie had ended and Brian got up to get the movie out leaving a scared looking deaky all alone for a second. Freddie was still asleep so I kissed him on his head and gently tapped his shoulder. "Hey baby its time to get up, the others want to go eat now" I whispered to him and he just cuddled closer to me. So I squirmed a little trying to get out of Fred's grasp and he eventually got up.

When everyone was up I walked over to my room and Freddie followed me because he insisted I let him pick out my outfit for tonight. Bri and deaky invited us to go eat with them like a double date type of thing, deaky wanted to go try out the new hibachi restaurant about 30 minutes away. We were going to leave to go eat around 8:30 and it was 1 now, so I don't know why freddie needed to pick my outfit out right at this very moment. I sat down while I watched freddie eye my closet, he looked so handsome while he was focused. He picked me out a black pair of pants for me with gold stripes on the sides, but 'I didn't have enough variety' for him to choose from and left my room I didn't know why.

Eventually my door opened back up and he had a huge shopping bag, I knew exactly just what that meant. He had the biggest grin on his face and I became a little nervous of what kind of outfit was about to pop out of that bag.

"Don't give me that face Rog you are going to wear what I bought you, besides you'll look really good in it" he threw me a smirk "Alright now turn that mirror around so you won't be able to see what it is until I have it on you"
"Okayyy" i grumbled. I turned I grabbed my full mirror and turned it around, then I closed my eyes so freddie wouldn't be mad that I looked at my outfit. He pulled my pants off and replaced them with some that felt tight on my ass but loose on my legs 'of course Fred would pick these' I thought. Then he put me on a long sleeve that was tight in the arms but loose in the chest it kinda felt like a v cut but I couldn't tell, and over it he put some sort of overcoat.
"Alright darling you're all dressed, take a peek I think you look sexy as fuck."
"Okay" I picked up the mirror and took a look. I had on black pants with a white stripe on the side they were high rise. Then I had on a long sleeve deep v cut with a black over coat which had a white trim. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be because freddie usually goes all out.
"Oh I almost forgot this" he said against my neck, he then pulled a necklace out of his pocket and put it on me, then kissed my neck.
"Thank you baby I love it, but now it's time to get you ready and also I have to do my hair. Do you want to do it for me I'm kind of tired?" I dramatically fell into his arms.
"Well I suppose I can" He jokingly rolled his eyes.

We walked over to freddies bathroom because he had all of his styling shit under his sink. I sat on the ledge on the sink while he went in his room to get dressed and pick up anything he might need to get ready. He walked into the bathroom wearing a leather jacket, leather pants and a black and white striped shirt underneath. On his wrists were many silver bracelets, and on his neck was a silver necklace that looked similar to mine. I turned my head to him and looked him up and down and smirked. He came over to the sink where I was sitting and picked me up and span me around while kissing my cheek.
"Ok now let's work on that hair darling" he said as he grabbed a brush from his drawer.

He finished with my hair then began on his own, he put a light coat of makeup on both of us then we called a taxi to go to the restaurant, Bri and deaky already left so they could get a table for us. The taxi came within like 10 minutes and we told them the address and it took us about thirty minutes to get to the restaurant, needless to say Bri was a little angry bitch when we arrived. What's new though.
"Where were you two, we have been siting at this table for fourth minutes until you horndogs arrived"
"Well for your information darling Rog and I have not fucked yet, also I bet you haven't even touched deakys ass yet so I would not come for us just because you're sexually frustrated" Freddie laughed hysterically after that.
"I am not yelling at you just because deaky and I haven't had sex yet, it is because you are late once again!"
Freddie had tears running down his face at this point.
"So you admit it you and John haven't had a good fuck yet ahhh this is too funny really."
"Shut up" Brian hissed while John was turned away he looked a little upset, but none of this was meant to get at him only at brian.  My thoughts were interrupted when Fred grabbed my shoulder.
"I know how we can get back at this fucking prude real fast" Freddie whispered against the shell of my ear and I shivered.
"And How is that?" I smirked.
"Oh just you wait you'll see in about 20 minutes and you'll figure out" he had a look if smugness and lust in his eyes I was a little concerned but also intrigued. I couldn't wait to see what his little plan was all about.

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