Chap:13 just end the pain

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I was at the hospital with Evan,Cheryl and Jonny. I was in here for two days, which nearly seemed like months.

There were knocks on the door revealing Matthew. His stare makes its way to us and immediately he frowns "you guys want pizza?" He asked. Only Jon and Evan said yes and left to eat, while me and Cheryl stayed. Matthew almost seemed annoyed on how we were practicing starving ourselves and fucking up out sleep schedule, which was something we would never do but then sorta understood since we didn't want to miss their best friend to awaken.

"You guys really need fresh air. have some fun. it's what Henny would want" he says. Cheryl then sighed as she finally gives in and went with him while I stood there. Just as I was about to get up and join the others.

Heavenly woken up.

"Y-Y/n..." she whimpers a bit. My eyes eyes snapped to her and widened with surprise. "Henny!" I spoke up and smile weaker then ever

"y/n I'm not gonna make it but, I had a vision of you and Jonathan when you were little. And I now understand why you wanted it to end. But...but then I saw all of us in the future. you and Evan together and..." she stops herself from speaking. her big smile seemed to weakens but till it was only a tiny smile.

"w-were you there?" I asked with a small smile, expecting her to obviously say yes. She must have saw the hope in my eyes and she had seemed to feel bad about something. Her began to look away with a frown. "No...I wasn't..." my smile immediately dropped, my smile then became a horrified stare. I shook my head in disbelief as I nervously laughed. "no," I said. I began to laugh, as if she was joking in such a serious moment we were having.

" cant die just like that.." my laughs began to sound like cry's, like I was in so much pain. No, I WAS in pain. "I know, I'm sorry." She says it like this wasn't even dying. I started crying like crazy as my vision became such a blur from my thick tears covered my eyes. "you can't do this to me! it's all my fault..*sob*...I remember how life hated us. not wanting things to be fair. it took everything I had. And now, it's got you. then it'll slowly get everyone else. I'm not ready to say goodbye!" I continued to let out all my tears, practically screaming. she then smiles weakly, grabbing my hands, slowly tightening it. She began to speak, "Neither was I, but at least I'll be there to look after you, To protect you.." She starts tearing up and smiling still.

"you can't leave..."

"I love you, y/n m/n Dennis..." and her hart rate didn't beep anymore it started making this annoying sound as I cried uncomfortably as so many doctors rushed in and told me to leave the room. I sat next to Evan and Jon as I rest my head on Evans shoulders and kept crying.

//At home..//

I stood in my room crying, letting my mind race around with a bunch of memories a had with Heavenly. I lost Henny. I heard knocking on my door and saw Jonathan. I sat up, preparing on what he was going to do or say. He stares at me and then makes his way to me and sat on my bed, giving me a hug as tight as he can to reassure me. "Evan ordered pizza if you want some" he says and he lets go from the hug. "No t-thanks. I just need some time alone please..." he sighs, nodding as he got up and leaves as I continue to cry my eyes out.

Del's POV

"Is she ok?" Asked Evan as I just walked out of y/n's room.

"since when did Evan care so much about y/n?"

My Delirious side asked with annoyance. 'Idk..' I responded back to him in my mind and looked back at Evan. "no.." I mumble, making Evan worry more. He then was about to enter y/n's room but I stopped him by putting my hand in front of the door, stopping him in place. "Let's just leave her be for now. I'll go check on her later" I say. He slowly nods and walked back downstairs, me also doing the same. Soon after, y/n came down stairs with her hair in her face looking down, making sure not to meet eye contact with anyone.

Y/n's POV

'It all my fault....'

I was the one who deserves to be shot in the head and dying, not her. i just couldn't take it anymore so I went to the bathroom and got a blade from the cabinet.
It was almost like I couldn't help myself from this bad habit as I started cutting my wrist as the other voices (not Škeptič) said it was my fault over, and over again which only made me continue to drag the blade against my smooth skin as tears threatened to fall.

the blood got all over my arm and the bathroom sink. so I went to wash it off and made my way to the kitchen to get some food. I felt everyone's eyes watching me as I looked for food. that's when I saw Jonathan glance at me than frowned when he saw my wrist. He wanted to help me getting out of this messy state I was now in, but knew he had to step out and let me deal with it since that was the only way. I got some food and water and back to my room and dozed off....

Flash back..10 years were 6/7

I was bullied by a girl named Sydney and Blu as they started calling me names. It was till the point where I couldn't help but cry, knowing I was completely powerless against them at the time. that's when a girl slapped Blu and yelled at Sydney as she soon after helped me up. I was shocked at how brave she was to stand up to them. The little girl  smiles at me, "hey, I'm Heavenly!" She exclaims and steps aside for the others girl to introduce her self as well. "And I'm Cheryl!" She says and pretends to bow down for me. "I-I'm y/n! tanks." I say randomly not knowing how to properly say Thanks. "Wanna be friends?" Asked Cheryl. My faces instantly blew up with joy. "Yes please!" I say as we all played hide n' seek later on.


I forced myself to wake up before I start crying again. my eyes were pink and puffy from all the crying earlier. My vision was blurry. I scanned my dark room for some random reason. But then my eyes locked on to one of my corners as could've I sworn, I saw Henny standing in the corner of my room. I could feel my eyes widened. I rubbed my eyes, hoping and wishing it was actually her but,

It disappeared into the darkness..

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