Chap:25 It Broke Her...

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Y/n finally found where her brother and her best friend was "ok so, team 1 will be shooting any members of the 'Kittys Clan' .which would be Me, Vanoss, Brian and Nogla." All the people I called all looked at each other then cheered "team 2 is the hacking, get away driver and the snipers. Which would be Delilah, Mini, moo, Lui and Droidd" (silent droidd)" they then nodded their heads. "Team three is the back up, and they will be...Smit7y, Kryoz, panda, fourzer0, wildcat and basically" they all cheered again "and the rest of you will be looking for Jonathan and Cheryl. And you guys will be Ava, Skyla, Lucas, Shawn, Matthew" after that we all trained and got ready for the big day ahead of us...


"Hey Delirious, I forget to tell you that your girl is here" Alpha says.
Alpha's mask: (She isn't leader but she comes second in command)

Alpha's mask:       (She isn't leader but she comes second in command)

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Jon spits out blood and groaned "Blu isn't my girlfriend anymore.." he growls. Alpha shook her head "no, not her, isn't it Cheryl?" The last word she said to him seemed to trigger him and shoot his head at her "where? Is she safe?" Jon panicked "I don't know but she is just in the room next to yours" she says knowing there was no way he could get out. "Well I must be going to bed know, night Del" Alpha says and leaves. Alpha was Jon's favourite out of the others since she never punched, slapped and stabbed him. But she fed him and cleaned his wound so he would still survive. Jonathan kept thinking about Cheryl again. Until he jumped a little when the door opened "hey" the girl says. The girl wore a mask that glows "I'm neon if you were wondering...not sure why" she says
Neon's mask:

not sure why" she saysNeon's mask:

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"Let's have some fun..." neon says while getting a needle and injected it into his neck. Jon groans as he fell asleep...
His dream...or his nightmare...

Jon woke up in a room. The room was...small and it was filled with gaming stuff as The wall was painted f/c (fav color) he looks around till his eyes landed on a small fragile girl "y/n..." he mumbles. Y/n looked like she was around 13 year old. Y/n was sitting on her bed with a knife in hand that was covered in her blood "she was cutting herself" Delirious says in a hurtful tone. "Kill them...kill them...they did this to you...they locked you up in this hell hole..." y/n says while she kept playing with the knife "y/n who did this?" Jon Asked "kill them...kill them..." was all she kept saying. "Do it for it for mommy..." she looks up slowly. "What the fuck!?!" Jonathan yelled looking at his younger sister. Her eyes were black and it was leaking out thick black stuff "pretend it is daddy" "MaKe HiM PaY.." Škeptič says, now taking over the small girl's body "y/n! Get over here now!!" A man shouted from down stairs. "No...don't do this to them...please..." y/n pleads to Škeptić. "So YoU wAnT tO bE hUrT AgAiN!?" Škeptič shouts at the girl. "N-no.." She then walks downstairs to her parents. Jonathan followed close behind..."AHHH Y/N WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?!?" a female says. Y/n giggles then it turned into a insane laughter that was more crazier than Jon's... "oh sissy. Haven't you seen them hurting me?" She says as she walks up the her sister. Y/n them through the knife right at the girls head. Y/n turns around to face her nonexistent brother "for you Jonny" y/n says. And she melted into the ground "what the!!?!?" Jon Shouted. Jon looked around him seeing everything was melting. "No no no!!" He says until he melted with it. SMACK Jon woke up. Blu continued to slap him as neon watched from behind...

Later your POV and a little third person pov too

Y/n and Vanoss' gang was driving to the abandoned school to save there members from their enemy gang aka Death Angels 2.0...
The ride wasn't to long. And it wasn't to fast. Until they finally made it to their destination "ok, ready guys?" Y/n says through her earpiece "ready" everyone says at the same time. Y/n hid behind the van and grabs her gun "ok, on the court of three. Team 1 will go" y/n say while she through a C4 at the entrance of the abandoned school. "One..." Lui and silent droidd got ready to aim at the door for any targets. "Two..." Mini and Delilah kept switching from camera to camera looking for their members. "Three..." y/n's heart started to beat louder and heavier as she took a deep breath... "go!" And then the C4 stop beeping and exploded causing the door to open and an alarm went off. "Team three! Go go go!" Y/n shouted as she kept shooting these cat ladies "team 4 it clear for now. Go!" We went inside the school and kept shooting anyone that was in the way (not team mates) "Mini, Delilah! I'm gonna look for Delicious. Tell me the directions" Mini obeyed and told me to take a left and right every once and awhile "take one last left and i think he is in room 44" mini says. I did as I was told and found the room 44 and opened it "fuck sake" I mumble realized it was locked "Vanoss! Come over here" "on my way" he responded and seconds later he was here. He shot the lock and kicked the door open "Jon! Are you in here?" I shout "y/n?.." a raspy voice called out. I look at where it came from to meet Jon's eyes "Jonny! Oh my god..." I look at his bruised up body "holy shit, what did they do to you?...I'm so sorry we couldn't be here sooner-" I yelp feeling a sharp pain at my head "sorry guys but, Jonathan isn't going anywhere" a girl says
"Ugh. Son of a bitch" I groaned "Cheryl?" Jon says "shut it Jon!" Cheryl's eyes looked like it had no color in them. They weren't the bright emerald ones. Jon got up by Evan slowly untied him when Cheryl wasn't looking "Cheryl I know how you're feeling but please don't do this" Jon pleads "shut.up" Cheryl mumbles. Jon knew he was slowly getting back the Cheryl we all know and loved "they tortured you and got in your head saying we weren't gonna come for you" Cheryl's eyes turned watery "s-stop! Just sto-op" her voice cracking. "Cheryl just forget those people and let's figure this out..together" Jonathan's voice sounded raspy but so soothing to Cheryl. Cheryl was shaking and her hand was covering her ears "no! You never saved me! They did" Jon's hand softly grabbed her hands off her ears and put them around his neck. Cheryl slightly blushed finally seeing some color on her "no they didn't. They broke were just terrified..scared they kept breaking that soft innocent part of you everyone loved." Jon slowly placed his lips on hers. I slowly got up and went to Evan. Jon pulled away and put his lips on her forehead "just come back with us..." Jon hugged her closer like he wasn't gonna see her ever again "I..." Cheryl was speechless of what just happened a second ago "ok..." she says. Her eyes were back to the beautiful green ones. She turned to face me "im so sorry n/n.." she says. I smile brightly "it ok...but let's head back home" she returns the smile "ok..."

🧸To Be Continued🧸

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