Chap:35 Suicide has entered the chat...

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"Can we at least try and find them?" Del Asked.
Y/n nodded as the three got ready and was about to leave...

Now...(Your pov)

"So, where are they at?" Jon had Asked while opening the front door.

I look at my phone at me and Delilah's chat, I look back up.

"Do you remember when Dad gave us his old base?" I asked Del.
Jon looks at me confused but then nodded.

"I think it was at (random street name). You know? Near the woods?"

Jon's eyes lit up but still with a hint of pure sadness.
"Oh I remember. Let's go!" He says happily and grab me and Evan's hand, leading us to Evan's car.

Meanwhile (Skylas pov)

It hurts...
I'm super tired...
I'm getting dizzy...
I don't wanna be alive anymore...

Those were the thoughts that raced around my mind as i kept running through the woods.
I didn't care that my foot was broken or that I kept stepping on sticks and stones. Hell, I even stepped on glass.

I just wanted to go home.
I wanted this to be a nightmare-

I was cut off by tripping.
By what? I was looking where I was going.
I mutter swears and curses to my self as the pain on my foot and legs. I mean, I didn't have any time to change into warm and nice clothes after all since I was in a pool and hot tub.

(Skylas outfit)

(Pretend she doesn't have any shoes at the moment

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(Pretend she doesn't have any shoes at the moment.)

I heard footsteps from in front of me.
Oh was time for me to say goodbye to this world then huh?

I didn't bother getting up and running since all of my energy was washed off me.

The man picks me up and looks at me up and down. He then smirks.

I'm gonna get raped....(no i am not joking about rape. If I'm honest to the bone. I have almost been raped by my uncle when I was little. Luckily my older sister caught him and told our parents. Facts)

Your pov...

I was getting tired by minutes go by. I sat in the front seat giving directions to Evan as he drives.
Del stayed wide awake since he was still scared if his girlfriend was dead.

If I'm completely honest, I had already lost faith that they're alive.

They were like, out of the city when this happened.
Obviously they must have been killed.
"I know, for once I will have to agree with you"
It's kinda odd for skeptic to agree with me on that.
She was always right on almost everything.

I look back at my shattered phone. "Take a left." I point to the left and then look back at the window.
The dark always seems so peaceful to me.
"We're almost there. Keep going straight then take a right."
Evan nods and speeds up.

I'm mad at myself.
I wasn't fast enough to reply to Delilah's text.
It's my fault.

Though I still have high hopes that they're alive. Just by the thought of seeing the body's of my friends. My heart started to ache and beat harder and faster.

I look at the window to see a base but...
The windows were shattered,

All of the lights in the base were on.

My heart drops when I see what looks like a body on the balcony with some red stuff leaking off of the balcony.

Just as Evan stops the car I immediately open the door and run out.
"Y/n wait!" Evan and Jon call out.

I didn't care anymore, as long as I see them alive and well.

I didn't care if this was some joke they pulled on me.
I open the door to see glass shattered everywhere and a note, I pick it up and read it...

This is not the end of our little war~
We will return but more powerful than you can ever be~


I crumbled up the paper and threw it away.
"Shit..." I then search for Cheryl,Trinity,Skyla and Delilah.

"Trin?" I shout out. Nothing.

"Deli?" Still nothing.

"Sky??" Nothing...
"C...Cheryl?!" I shout out but I fell to the ground and softly sobbed.

"They can't be...."
Jon says behind me.
"No way...."
Evan says in disbelief.

I run up to Jon and Evan.
"Why? Why is it me that god targets" I cry in their shoulders.

Hours later....

We drove back to our mansion.
Evan and Jon were in the living room with the boys having a little moment.

As I lay in my bed. My eyes were puffy red from all the hours of crying.

I can't do this anymore.
I can't be hurt anymore by all of this love.
Maybe I should've just stick to being a lone wolf....

That's when it hit me......

I then get up and grab a pen and paper and wrote....

Dear, bbs and y/g/n...

I can't do this anymore.
I just couldn't face the fact that I don't belong anywhere.
And for Evan...
I'm sorry but I think this is the end of our relationship...
And for Jonathan...
Please don't come looking for me or contacting me and just except that fact that I'll never come back.
And for me and Evan's gang...
I hope that you understand that I'm now leaving and NEVER coming back to this mess I call "criminal life" I plan on trying to learn how to be a normal person and move on...
But what I'm mostly trying to say is....
Love, Škeptič...


I fold the paper and place it on my bed with a little box wrapped with f/c ribbons.

I pack my bags and leave my phone an most of my clothes.

"Goodbye forever~" I whisper to my room and  tears started forming and running down my cheeks.

I open up my door to the balcony and carefully climbed down and sneak up to the garage to find my old black and f/c motorcycle. I put on my helmet and started the engine...

And drove off...

•...To Be Continued...

Hey there! So, there is one last chapter before this book is finished...bye👋

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