Chap:31 can't just give up yet...

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Previously on chapter 30...

"I'm leaving, before anyone else gets hurt cause of me" Trinity says and hugs Evan and Y/n "bye guys" she says and waves to the others....and leaves and didn't look back...

Now....Evan's POV

I known Trinity for awhile now. She never acted like that. Until now... y/n rests her head on my shoulder as we watch a horror movie (if you hate horror movies, then pick something else.)
I'm gonna be honest, I do miss Ava. She helped me find y/n. She cheers me up with her stupid jokes.
I than slowly pick y/n's sleepy body bridal style to our room...

Delilah's pov...

I softly cry onto my pillow not trying to make much noise since it's like 12:38am.
I thought Ava was annoying and we would always argue. But when she is gone, you realize how much you miss them.
Why did I ever thought it was a good idea to make her join this life I call normal?

Flashback to 4 years ago...

"Come on!! Ava! It's not that bad. You'll be safe" I say and grab her hand and drag her to the pastaline gang. "Oh...I-I don't know if we should-ah!" Ava yelps when I pulled her towards the door...


Instant regret filled my body. I shouldn't have done this. I'm mean, I'm not blaming the gangs fault that I made her join...

Matthew's pov

I look out the window in my room as the rain kept pouring. Ava was like a sister to all of us.
Even when she was hurting deep down, she wouldn't make it wash over her.
Ava was like a brave but funny person.
"Matty?" Shawn's deep voice calls. Shawn was on the bed trying to sleep. "Yes?" I say and look back at him. "Come to bed. I know, I'm really sad too that she was gone." He says and pated a spot next to him. I nod and take it.
Shawn kisses me on the cheek.
"I really do miss her."
Next morning....Trinity's pov

The next morning I didn't bother going to school.
I sat on my couch flipping through channels until I found 'the amazing world of gumball'
I continued to watch it until I started getting lost in my thoughts...
'Jen's dead. So I can go back to the others'
But why? I do love all of them. But I still feel like people hate me for letting Ava take a bullet for me.
I walk up to my window and look at the huge city of los santos.
'Why did I ever think it was a good idea to move to los santos? I let Nick get killed and so did Ava.'
'Maybe I should just move back to Canada...'
I was then cut off when my phone rang. I went to pick it up, it was Evan. I held my phone and decided if I should pick up or not answer.
I kept staring at my phone. Until my finger presses decline.
I'm not really sure why I am avoiding them...

Back to your POV y/n

Trinity wasn't even here at school. I sat next to Evan and Jon as we ate. At times we will talk,
"Any plans for next heist?" I ask Evan. I was bored. I hated the silence well, at times. "I really don't know..." he sighs.
I look down at my pizza and salad.
It really was boring without Avery and Trinity.

Back at my/trinity's pov

I was packing my bags as I was getting ready for four days left till I leave this place I call hell.
Im moving back to Toronto Canada.
But before I would leave. I might as well say my last goodbye to the others.
I decided I would show up in the afternoon to school.
I started walking to school since my car was basically destroyed by my wacky driving.
I stated thinking about how fucked up my stay at los santos was. First, my fake friend killed my brother cause of rejecting her. A year later I started working for a friend named Lester crest,
Who soon after betrayed me. Several months later I was in a weird relationship with a boy I was forced to date or he will kill my family.
He then kidnapped a 17 year old girl I was supposed to save.
I stop thinking.
Meeting Evan's girlfriend and her friends was fun.
They always kept me company when I was bored out of my mind. Especially Avery.
She listened to my sad, depressing yet boring life of how I moved here.
And how she took a bullet for me... she....saved me?
I stoped at the entrance of the school doors.
Maybe...I can just head back home and forget this...I say in my head. But why? Can't I just say a last goodbye to my 'real friends'.
I took a deep breath and went inside to the cafeteria to see Y/n and all the others stare at me in shock and happiness.
Why happy? Don't they hate me?
They all get up and hugged me.
"Trinity! We all missed you" Delilah says.
"Heh..." I chuckled. I hugged them back.


We were all at y/n's huge mansion as I sat on the couch while talking to Delilah and Skyla.

I sighed. "Girls, there's something I need to tell you..." I say and look at my hands that were now fidgeting with my black and white phone case.
"Hm?" Delilah hums in response as she stares at the tv. "I'm...gonna be moving back to Canada." I sorta mumble to them.
Skyla seemed sad and mad and for Delilah, she seemed to be looking down. Her hair was covering her hazel eyes.
"Please don't." Skyla pleads.
"Why?" Was all Delilah says and looks at me with now shiny eyes.
"Because. Literally everywhere I go, someone I love and trust. Dies...I feel like...I'm a bad luck charm." (Is bad luck charm even a thing?)

"Well...when are you leaving?" Delilah says while moving some hair away from her face.
"In five days..." I say and slowly get up. My stab wound hasn't healed just yet so I still feel pain when I move to fast or even turn to the side.


The day went by slow. But I managed to survive it though.
5 days left till I can finally leave the hell so called los santos.
(Ok, so, yeah. I get that there are two nicks in this book. Yes, I do have a brother that is 14 and yes, I have an ex named nick too. I know, it's weird -.-)
I mean, I like y/n and the others. But I don't like this criminal life we live in.
I wanna start over.

Your POV, y/n

Me and Evan has slept in. (I think you know why👏😏 lol I'm kidding. I don't really like doing smuts) I was staring blankly at the sealing as my mind was on Trinity. She thinks it was all her fault that Avery died. Hell, she thinks every thing is her fault.
I got up and went to take a shower. (Just a question. Am I the only one who likes taking cold showers?😂 or am I just weird.)
I was planning on going to the mall with Trinity and Delilah. Something we never did in a month...

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