Chap:23 a trap...

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Your POV

"I'm not gonna ask you again...who are you. And what do you want from us" I ask or say not even sounding like a question. The female had bruises and cuts all over her body "m-my is M-M-idnight" the girl as known as midnight says as she spat out blood "and?" I ask while pointing a knife to her neck "I'm here to...take what belongs to me" a smirk was then placed on her face but then smacked off soon after "listen here you little piece off shit. You wipe that little smirk off that ugly face off yours and tell me what you really want from us cause I'm not playing around anymore" I say and press the knife a little deeper, causing midnight to groan "ok ok...I'm here to kill you and take back MY Vanoss" my eyes then widened "Vanessa..." I mumble under my breath "took you long enough to realize that"

Third person pov. Meanwhile

Jon's mind kept racing about Cheryl. Could he be falling for her? Jon kept denying that he was in love with one of his close childhood friend that was almost like a sister to him. Jonathan kept walking around the empty streets, taking a little walk for fresh air as the thoughts of Cheryl kept torturing the poor guys head. Jonathan took a left and started walking in the dark ally, that's when Jonathan snapped back to reality (op there goes gravity! Sorry umm) he heard little giggles from here and there "who's there!" He shouted while his hand slowly grabbed one of his knives as his eyes raced around the ally "right here~" the female voice says behind him. Jonathan slowly looked behind him and swung his knife to the masked female
???'s mask:

The girl was cut in the shoulder but, she ignored it and grabbed one of her guns "fuck" Jon muttered under his breath as the feline aimed at his head

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The girl was cut in the shoulder but, she ignored it and grabbed one of her guns "fuck" Jon muttered under his breath as the feline aimed at his head. But Delirious took over his body "no fucking way are you gonna lose to a chick" del's eyes turned to a deep dark electric blue ones. And he punched the girl in the stomach and grabbed the gun outa her hands. The girl then pressed a button on her watch witch made a beep sound. "I think I need back up" the girl pleads to her watch. Delirious then made a psychotic laugh as he shot the girl in the chest as she fell on the ground. Then two pink and black cars pulled up and more cat girls came and shot what seemed like a dart, causing Jonathan to sleep...

Hours later and to the base

"Go ahead and kill me but, my gang will shoot your brother" Vanessa smirks causing the other masked girl as known as Škeptič finally took over her "they have your brother" "where do they have my brother?" Škeptič ask calmly hoping Vanessa would cooperate and tell her but, it turned out to be the opposite "I won't tell you unless you give me Vanoss" škeptič smirks "LiKe HeLl I'm GiViNg HiM AwAy" "well, then I can call my gang and tell them to shoot D-" skeptic interrupted her "how? How are you gonna tell them when you have that watch on you?" Skeptic smirks but with a devilish smirk that caused midnight to get a scared expression on her face "huh?! H-how did yo-" škeptič giggles but it then came out as a laugh as delirious's but more insane "ya know, you are fucking around with the two most wanted gang in history?" She says as a fact then a question "which means that we have the best hacking system and we could just track my brother without even asking" she kept laughing god knows how long "I just wanted to see if you had the guts to spill the tea. To see if you can actually survive the criminal life and be smart enough to keep your all your files safe" Škeptičs e/c eyes slowly turn more brighter and more scarier. "But clearly not. So do us a favour and go back to being that little skank and leave us alone" ...

Later at the abandoned building

Jonathan finally woke up but then being blinded by the bright light that was in front of him "well, good morning sleepy head. You've been sleeping for hours "who are you?" Jon asks not really caring that he was just kidnapped by cat laddies "the love of your life~" the girl cooed in his ear. Hearing her say that then made him recognize the girl "B-Blu." He growls. The girl giggled and nodded "someone is in a mood" Blu teases and started picking up one of the tools she has on the little table next to her "I never loved you." He spat out causing Blu to snap her head at him "what did you say?" She then picks up a knife. Blu caught Jonathan's stare at the knife and giggles "oh don't worry lover boy~" she started making her way to his ear "i won't play to roughly~" she then started carving a heart on Jonathan's built chest. Jon didn't bother giving Blu the satisfaction and kept his mouth shut from making any sound. Blu growls and stop "not playing fair, huh" then a smirk appeared on her cheeks "fine then, I won't play fair either" she then started climbing on Jon's lap and took off his sweater and shirt fully and started started playing with one of his stitches. Jon wanted to fight back but, he was tied up to a chair. "You're feisty" She then got off of him and took another knife and started carving a 'j.d + b.h' on his arm. She then noticed Jonathan still never made a sound so, she then couldn't take it anymore and stabbed him in the stomach causing him to groan a little as the blood started pouring out of his stomach and mouth as she kept carving out little designs here and there. Jonathan soon passes out from him loosing to much blood...

Cheryl's pov

I kept walking back and forth, thinking of where Jon could be and how long he would be out there. At a strip club? Or at another family members house that I don't know about. Someone then knocked at my door and entered slowly "Cheryl?" Y/n ask. I immediately faced to her hoping she found out where Jon went. I hummed in response "I think Delilah found out where he is." Y/n says not really sure that he was actually there. I look back down knowing he wouldn't be there. This was the fourth time she said she found him but, no luck. Tears then started falling as my makeup smeared everywhere "what if he's dead and we're to late?" Y/n then took off her mask and put her hand on my shoulders "hey, don't say that. We WILL find him alive but, he is a strong guy and will make it out alive. I promise you, we will find him" her eyes soften to serious and determined to calm and soothing "thanks n/n. I love you" I hug her. She immediately hugs back "love you too Cherry"

🥀To be continued...🥀

I know that skyla's code name is midnight too, but I don't decided to still give her that name. And yes, I didn't have any other name to give Vanessa.

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