Chapter 1: The Beginning

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In this story, Izuku is less obsessed with heroes (Though, yes he still is) but more interested in just following what he believes in, whether or not hero work is apart of that. So his general personality may be a little different from what you're used to, he's just a little more cynical. Just thought I should mention it in case someone has a problem with it. Thanks!


This is sort of drawn out, mostly because there were things I wanted to include before the actual Villain Deku bit comes in. Chapter 5  is probably where you want to go if you just want to start the villainy plot.

"Izuku! Get up! It's time for school!" 

Izuku whines and turns over in bed, dreading the following school day. If he got up, he'd have to get dressed and ready, walk to school, avoid Kacchan, try and focus on work but at the same time never draw any attention to himself. 

If he didn't get up, he wouldn't have to do any of that. He wouldn't be bullied or beat up and he'd be free to follow the hero's around without worrying about running into a classmate.

"C'mon! You'll be late!" He hears his mother call from the kitchen.

The only pro to getting up is maintaining his grades so he could get into UA, which is all the motivation he needed.

Izuku rolls over and falls out of bed. His poofy green hair sticks to his face and mouth and he claws it out of his face.

He groans the entire way through his morning routine, gathering his books for school, and of course his Hero Analysis for the Future notebooks.

On the walk to school, he keeps his back hunched, and make sure he looks small. In an effort to avoid any attention and to stay out of the way.

Seems to work until he gets to class. He plops his books down and sits down, avoiding eye contact with the teacher and students. Izuku zones out, staring out the window, dreaming of the day he's jumping across buildings and saving people in need.

"Deku!" He jumps to attention and turns to see Kacchan making his way to his desk with a few classmates standing behind him, to watch the fest.

Izuku says nothing and only gives a weak smile, shrinking into himself.

"Move," Kacchan says with almost no expression on his face, only venom on his tongue.

Without hesitation or question, Izuku tosses his bag to a desk away from him and grabs all his books in haste, bending some of the papers, as quickly as possible. Refusing to look at Kacchan or other students.


The bell rings once more to signify the ending of school. Midoryia decides to wait, hopefully, all the threats will have left by the time he leaves. 

He waits for Kacchan to leave, as he is the highest threat. A second before Kacchan and his gang is actually out the door and on his way out he stops and turns around to catch Izuku doodling in a Hero Analysis journal.


He freezes and tenses up.

Kacchan stomps over and yanks the book out of his hand. Izuku reaches out for it but Kacchan holds it just out of reach.

"C-can I have that back?" He stammers, afraid out of his mind.

"Not yet," Kacchan smirks horrendously as he flicks through the pages. He tears out a few pages at random, every little tear makes Izuku wince and die a little inside.

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