Chapter 29: Found 'Em

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{Kirishima's POV}

None of us know what to do, we all sit in silence, absolutely still. 

"I'm... going to be in my dorm..." Iida mumbles, before getting up and heading upstairs. Everyone else takes this opportunity too also go to their dorms. 

Eventually, the room is empty. Leaving only Bakugo and I. He stares at the floor, hunched over with his elbows on his knees, messing with his hair.

"Whatcha thinking?" I say softly after a minute. Anyone else would be afraid of him lashing out, but I trust him enough to go as far as too sit right next to him and adjust myself in the same position, so we were on the same level. 

He waits for a minute before speaking slowly and with intent. 

"Why now...?" He takes a shaky breath, "He didn't apologize when he saw us in the arcade, in person, but he has to do it over some dumb letter." His tone is sharp but the volume is soft.

"I asked myself the same thing," I agree. 

"Kirishima," His voice breaks, and he looks at me, his eyes watering "If he showed up out of the blue again, what do you think you'd do?"

The question caught me off guard, but I didn't have to think long. "I'd be suspicious unless the police deemed him rehabilitated. But... I can't see the old Midoryia being okay with blowing his chance at being a hero." I see a few tears fall to the floor, and I shift closer and I put my arm around him and give a small hug.

"What would you do?" I ask softly, trying to get him to talk.

"I..." He seems to be battling with his thoughts based on his expressions, "I think... I'd apologize. If he was him again I'd apologize. Do you know how many times I've sat in my room and blamed myself for him becoming a villain? I know it says he did it involuntarily but I saw him before they injected him," His voice becomes louder as he begins to cry, "I heard some of what they said to him. They told him I would always be in the way, they told him that I represented all heroes with my explosive attitude, they used the fact that I uh..."

He seems to get a little embarrassed and flustered, even though we all know he'd bullied Izuku, he didn't like talking about it, and I guess this is why.

"I used to torture him. And he still looked up to me! I just-" He pauses and then yells after a moment of realization, "It's my fault!"

"Don't say that-"

"No! Kiri listen to me, I did all those horrible things and that's on me. I screamed at him while we were tied up! And all they did was remind him of everything I've done and stuck the idea that he could be better without us. I cut there work out for them!"

"Bakugo!" I shout, grabbing his attention. "It's not your fault. You'll have your chance to apologize, he forgives you, now you just need to forgive yourself. It's going to be okay. But the fact of the matter is," I wasn't sure if I wanted to bring this up now, but I felt like I had too, "If we ever fought him, we need to bring him down so we have that chance. Be the person that renews his faith in heroes."

The two of us sit, with a few muffled sobs fighting its way out of Bakugo. We hugged and talked in fragmented sentences. Just waiting for our chance to see him again.

{Midoryia POV}

As I drift off to sleep I see myself standing in a void of black, the ground was slightly reflective and I couldn't see the ceiling. A replica of me stood right in front of me, the copy wore the same shirt and vest as I. The only difference was, one eye was a vibrant green and one equally vibrant red.

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