Chapter 42: Pressure

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{Midoryia's POV}

I wake up and feel an enormous amount of pressure around my head. I feel like I'm going to implode. There's noise, but I can't tell what it is. It sounds like clambering, white noise, and yelling mixed together. I try and open my eyes but no matter how much effort I put into it, they stay glued shut.

I think I can pick out Deku's screams in the mess of noise.

I try and speak or yell out, but I don't know if I'm successful. I can't stand it! It's so noisy, everything hurts, I'm so confused.  I don't know what's going on, I feel like I'm going to just explode.

I desperately hope and beg for it to all stop. Noise, just noise. Chaos. Pressure, pain, sadness, anger, joy, tears and smiles. I'm so confused. I can't tell what's going on. 

Then, nothing. My ears ring and the pressure dissipates quickly. Leaving me dazed and weak. I still can't open my eyes but I can feel the cool floor. I lay down and try and regain my composure. I feel tears running down my tingling face, and I slowly sink into unconsciousness once again.

{Zikashi's POV}

Kozo and Yiri fuss over my injuries. First, there's the stab wound, then the darts that were stabbed through my legs and stomach, then, of course, my mangled disgusting hand.

"Zikashi take a break and just stay home," Yiri begs, "I'll go help Todoroki today and you stay home."

"It's alright Yiri, I got it." I try and calm him down.

"No, you don't," Kozo says sternly, "If you walk to the dorms with that mess," he gestures to my hand, "Don't you think they'll ask questions? They aren't stupid, I'm sure they'll connect the dots."

"I'll wear some gloves," I say and look at my raw and bloodied hand. Yiri is on his phone trying to figure out how the hell to fix this without going to the hospital, since one, I don't have insurance, and two, god forbid they ask what happened.

"It's going to hurt if gets caught on the material, you'll probably bleed through it, and it's warm enough to where you absolutely don't need mittens, and surgical gloves will look very suspicious." Kozo counts off each issue on his fingers.

Yiri gestures for me to sit down on a chair that he kneels beside with a first aid kit and google open on his phone. I wince and stifles cries as he dabs antiseptic onto my hand, I decide to push through the pain instead of slipping away, out of fear of being crazy for too long and not being able to switch back.

"Kozo, can you text Todoroki and let him know I'll be there," Yiri asks as his eyes dart from my hand to his phone, unsure of whatever he was looking at. I see him shrug in a 'screw it' way and continue to work on my hand.

{Todoroki's POV}

I get a text message from Kozo that tells me Yiri will be up to help me. I thank him and work to pull up articles and notebooks to take notes. I pause for a second and look at my phone. I pick it up and text back, suspicion creeping in.

Todoroki: Is everything okay? 

It takes a while for him to answer.

Kozo: yeah everythings ok. Zashis just a bit busy.

Todoroki: Are you sure?

Kozo: dont worry about it. 

I frown at my phone but shake my head and drop it. A few hours later Yiri shows up and we sit and talk about Midoryia's situation. I've heard it a million times but Yiri runs me through Midoryia's history as he's heard it.

{Midoryia's POV}

I wake up and feel a little faint, but overall I'm okay. I wait for Deku to speak up and complain but I don't hear anything. I sit and wait for maybe half an hour for anyone to speak up. But no one does.

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