Chapter 2: Present Day

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I stood in the mirror and contemplated if I actually wanted to go to the mall today. Kirishima had suggested we all go out to shop together for the training camp, but I honestly couldn't feel less up for it.

I was exhausted because of a night not well slept. Ever since All Might decided to train me I have dreams where the same guy is in it every single time. Cracked lips and light blue hair, hands everywhere, the guy from the USJ attack, the scene is typically different but he's always there.  Sometimes I'm just walking down the street and he confronts me, or I'm in my room and he comes out of nowhere.

He always says something like "I'll see you soon," and "You'll join us in no time." I always lose sleep because of it, no matter how often I see it. 

But I do really need some stuff.

I slip on some street clothes and grab some money before heading out the door. 


"Hey, Midoryia!" Kirishima greets me as he waits outside with the rest of the gang. Almost everyone's here, except Bakugo of course. We all walk in as a group and look around, unsure of where to start.

"Everyone meet back here in 2 hours?" Kirishima proposes, everyone agrees and splits off in separate directions.

"Hey Deku!" Uraraka says cheerfully, "Whatcha gonna get first?"

"Uh, I don't know. You go on without me, I'm just going to look around."

She seems a little disappointed but bounds off without any protest. As I turn around someone grabs me by the neck, I shudder as their touch is cold and dry.

"Hey, don't move, we're just old friends, got it?" The voice was gravely and cold, with a hint of insanity. The same guy from my dreams, I'd know that voice anywhere.

I nod and shudder as he leads us to a bench. He pushes on my shoulders as I sit. I notice one singular finger is raised away from my neck. The only thing keeping me from disintegrating is that one finger.

"What do you want?" My voice squeaks.

"Aww scared? Don't be. I just wanted to have a nice little chat with you.  Get your opinions on things, y'know?" 

I can only nod as terror builds in my chest.

"So. What do you think the difference between me and Stain is?"


"Take your time. Be honest."

Be honest. Well, I could say there is no difference and your both scum, but that's not totally true, nor would it leave me on good terms with Bad Touch over here.

"Well. Stain is fighting for a cause that makes sense, but you're just fighting because you're bitter."

"Hmm.... but we are both villains. Is it fair to say there are villains that are better than others?"

"Uh... Maybe. Sure. Someone stealing from a store to feed her child is different from stealing from a store to have some nice jewelry."

"At the end of the day though, they are both committing crimes."

"I-I Guess that's where the problem lies." I didn't know where this was going, and could really only focus on the finger twitching near my neck.

 A long pause filled the air.

"What would you do if everything was taken from you, Izuku," Shigaraki whispers right in my ear out of nowhere. I shudder, even his breath felt dry, it didn't feel nice hearing my name in his voice either.

"I... don't know. I'd be devastated, for sure. But in terms of action, I don't know."

"Would you want revenge? Or would you want to die? Tell me, what would you do."

Why would he want to know that? I was more worried about what he would do with this information rather than the answer its self. But the back of my mind urged me to tell the truth. I had to dig into the back of my mind to find the answer.

"I... would probably want revenge, sure. How do you define 'everyth-"

"Everything!" He interjects, raising his voice a little. Passerbys took a glance but unfortunately, none of them noticed the danger sitting on the bench.

"I mean... everything and everyone you love. If suddenly you wake up and everything you've ever liked was gone and you were left in the world with everything you hate. You'd want revenge?"

I nod, not really proud of my answer. "S-sure. I wouldn't really take it sitting down I guess."

He looks over to see Shigaraki smiling a little. He doesn't have those hands on his face but his hood is turned up, and he can still see his disgusting face.

"Izuku. What do you fight for." He asks simply, almost zoning out.

"I fight for a better world. A world where you don't have to be afraid to walk outside. Just... a nicer world." He says this almost out of habit, he'd said it too himself so many times.

"Do you really think being a hero is the only way to make that happen? I fight for the same thing, I just fight for it a different way. Hero's shouldn't be the ones who decide whose a villain or a civilian.  Who gave them the right to decide who belong and who doesn't?"

I consider his point, and find I agree, horrifically. 

"I agree with you... t-they do have too much power. But that still doesn't give you the right to rob stores and hurt people just because heroes are the problem. They stop people who commit crimes, not odd people just minding their own business."

"So you agree heroes are the problem?"

Ah shit.

"I think... uh... some, heroes are the problem. For the most part, they're a very important part of society, but we do have a few people drunk on power."

"Exactly!" Shigaraki exclaims, and his finger comes dangerously close to his neck and a spike of panic rockets throughout his body.

"My point is," Shigaraki says, growing more ecstatic by the minute, "There should be no power for them to get drunk off of in the first place. Or at least, no power left for them too."

This idea was interesting. It wasn't necessarily correct but I felt like I was gaining an insight inside of his mind. 

"Well, where should that power go then?"

"To the people. Or at least distributed evenly among heroes. Some have way too much, but the good ones don't get enough. Take Endeavor, for example, the man has so much power and he uses it to be a jerk. So does All Might. But there are people who actually deserve to have that power, who would use it for much better things, but they'll never have the chance to use it."

"Interesting." I hate admitting that I actually quite enjoyed this chat. Despite the constant fear of disintegrating and the fact that the dude was a lunatic, it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

"Y'know, Izuku Midoryia, I decided I like you." 

Dammit. I didn't want the guy to like me at all, I was hoping after this he'd decide I was horrible and that he'd leave me alone. 

"Uh, Deku?" I look up to see Uraraka standing there with Kirishima not far behind, both looked very worried.

Shigaraki instantly released my neck, and despite being able to breath fine the entire time I exhaled loudly.

"I didn't know you had friends with you! I'm sorry. Don't follow me or else." And just like that, he speed-walked away.

I sprinted to the nearest trash can and let loose what little breakfast was in my system.

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