Chapter 23: Old Friends

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{Zikashi's POV}

{A few days later} 

The three of us sit around and discuss what we want to do tonight. My face has been on the news, as they made me do a mugshot before sticking me in the cell, so we'll need to be careful, but I'm sure we can get around it somehow. Deku's been able to avoid getting caught and he's one of the most known and notorious villains there are.

"Karaoke!" Yiri excitedly suggests, jumping a little.

"No!" Kozo and I respond quickly and loudly, and he quiets down.

"Maybe just a nice dinner?" I suggest.

"Too boring. We don't get to do these things often, might as well make it worth it." Kozo argues.

"How about an Arcade?" Yiri suggests timidly.

"That sounds like fun to me." I nod and look to Kozo for his reaction. He smiles and nods.

"Sounds good. We'll ask Deku," He looks at me and Yiri, hands on his hip, "I'll beat all of you though."

"Oh yeah?" I challenge him and we begin to argue back and forth, spitting childish insults and stupid comebacks.

"Shut up!" Deku yells as he enters the room. He's changed into a black hoodie and jeans and his poofy green hair is pulled back into a ponytail, he looks almost unrecognizable. A few stray hairs escape the hair tie and frame his face and stick out around him.

"Have you decided?" He asks. We explain our plan and he thinks about it briefly.

"Sounds like fun. Sure. There's a nice one near UA, we might run into someone but it should be fine. It's fairly cheap too." We smile and wait for him to say something else, but he just stares back.

"Jesus. Go!" He yells and gestures for us to move, "Get your money, get dressed. Zashi, don't give yourself away, tell me if you need help with a disguise. If anyone asks your name, lie."

We all jump up giddily and clamber to our rooms.

I quickly run my hair with temporary wax hair dye that stains it red, and I tie it up in a hair tie, leaving my bangs out. I wear a red hoodie and jeans.

We all meet in the main room, ready to go. Kozo and Yiri wear t-shirts, gray and blue respectively.

We decide names we can use in public so no one gets the wrong idea, except Kozo since his name isn't really out there. Yiri is Tua, he said it's from some comic, I'm using my last name, Izikia, and Deku is using Midoryia. I don't know where he got that name though.

We get to the place and the three of us run off to buy tokens, Deku follows slowly behind. We grab tokens and sprint to different machines. Deku walks around and checks up on us regularly, smiling. He mostly watches the people around us.

A man had approached me and talked to me, asking questions about the games. Which was absolutely fine until he started getting a little too close, even putting his hand on my shoulder. I saw Deku across the way and I shot him a worried look.

Deku walked up beside me and smiled at the man, I could see his eyes glowing just a little.

"Can I help you?" He asked the man, looking him in the eye as he put his hand on my other shoulder and lifted an eyebrow at the stranger.

"Not at all. I didn't realize she was..." He trails off, his voice seasoned with fear as he removes his hand from his shoulder.

"Taken? No, she's not taken. Either way, you need to go."

The Traitor { Villain Deku AU }Where stories live. Discover now