Chapter 7: Fight

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 {Note, having to remember whether or not to write All for One, All Might, or One for All is getting hard.}

{All Mights POV}

Midoryia seemed lifeless and his face was blank as he jumped into the air.

"Midoryia!" I yelled at him and jumped out of the way as he punched the ground right where I was standing, leaving a crater. 

He turned to me and flicked his finger, causing a strong burst of wind to pick up all the loose dirt and hit me right in the face, it didn't hurt, but when the dust settled he was gone. I looked around widely, and suddenly I feel him punch my back, it hurt like all hell but it seemed sort of a half-hearted punch. 

He uses my back to jump out of the way, and I grab his foot before he gets too far, he crashes into the ground and I wince, feeling bad for harming him.

All for One just stands and watches. "All for One!" I yell, "Get this kid out of here, he isn't fit to fight. Nor should he half to fight for you." 

Midoryia seemed to be almost frozen, his muscles locked in place. I assume whatever All for One injected into him had some side effects. Maybe I can get him out of here when he's frozen like this, then we can figure out some sort of cure. As long as he's away from All for One.

I see Gran Torino and a group of Heroes standing just over the rubble nearby, waiting to see if I needed help. 

"Capture Midoryia!" I scream to the group of heroes, I don't have time to explain.

Gran Torino jumps towards Midoryia but in the split second he unfreezes and socks Torino in the jaw, sending Gran Torino flying backward and slamming into the ground

I see Endeavor glaring at Midoryia with the fury of a million suns. Midoryia stands shakily for a moment before he collapses again, shrieking in pain tearing at his head.

The sound alone makes me want to cry and grab him and just take him somewhere nicer.

The visuals burned themselves into my brain.

"That's new." All for One says casually, I turn to him, furious.

"What, does his life mean nothing to you? He's in excruciating pain," this is accentuated by another screech, I wince at the sound. "And you just stand there like its nothing?"

"He'll be fine. It's probably the serum and his brain fighting. Once the serum wins it'll be much easier."


{Midoryias POV,}

I feel like I was sitting in a movie theater watching two versions of myself fight in a blank black space. On the right there was me with red eyes, on the left, me regularly, green eyes. A subtle difference, but a big enough one to make me uncomfortable.

They both jumped at each other and threw wild punches, I felt literally nothing as I watched. I don't know if I was just dreaming or if I was so spaced out by the past few days that it meant nothing to see my self get beat up by me, which should be scarring.

Red beat Green to the ground and stands over him, I feel some part of me... fade I guess? Red smirks and slits Greens throat.

My head explodes with pain as Green dies. Suddenly, I feel black waters wash over me, I feel like I'm suffocating, drowning, fear claws at my heart as my lungs tighten and my throat feels like it's closing, I feel like I'm thrashing around widely but I can't see myself move.

I break the surface of the water I was in, taking a deep gasp of air. Red turns into a black mist and flows into my lungs. My lungs burn and my brain feels like someone was mashing it up. My memories practically corrupt and change in front of my eyes, my soul takes on new morals, new rules, Izuku Midoryia, and Deku the hero die. Izuku Midoryia and Deku the corrupt bastard rises from the ashes and takes his place. {A/N Too edgy? Definitely, but it gets my point across.}

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