Almost a year later....

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This story has almost been out for a year (Chapter one posted on January 2nd of 2019). And let me say I am bewildered at the traffic it's gotten. 

The story has been finished for quite a few months and while the sequel is ongoing it warms my heart to see the read count and the votes. I wrote it on a whim and without much of a plan in mind if that wasn't painfully obvious. Literally making up each chapter as I went with a vague idea of what to do, that being the very first story I've written and taken seriously. Besides a undertale fic in 6th grade, but we don't talk about that shameful part of my life.

But I'm glad to see people enjoying my strange writing style, and I'm happy I forced myself to do it. I'm still nowhere near being a 'good writer' but I was surprised, reading the first chapter again, at the improvement I've made along the way.

I'm happy you've all given me the chance to introduce my own characters too, those being Zikashi, Yiri, and Kozo. I've always been a sucker for 'found family' situations so I'm happy I was able to incorporate them. 

Followers of the second story know that my updating has become less and less consistent and for that, I apologize. I'll try and make up for it by having longer chapters, but unfortunately, my motivation has plummeted in the past couple of couples due to several things. But I refuse to just abandon it, so no worries one way or another it'll get finished. 

Anyway, I just felt the need to thank you all properly. I've done it before but I'll do it again any time I feel it necessary. Thank you all for every second you spent looking at the things I've typed. Because you didn't have too, but you did. Thank you so much for leaving comments, I might not respond individually to each one but I promise I've seen them all as they come in.

I don't know if you know this, but when you add one of my stories to a reading list it tells me and even lists the name of the reading list. Which has brought many smiles and laughs when I see it's been added to lists with funny names or the occasional 'Really good story' list which just brightens my day. 

It also sort of cracks me up when I get comments or messages saying they don't want to read anymore because they don't like 'Yaoi' simply because I hinted at a relationship between Izuku and Todoroki. First of all, I am Gray Ace so the chance at a scene that goes anywhere near actual 'Yaoi Territory' is extremely unlikely.                                                                                                                                               And secondly, you can not like Yaoi, but totally ditching something purely because theres a reference to a queerplatonic relationship, or anything not totally hetero seems a little fishy to me. But I digress. 


I want to shout out a handful of people who've either made my day with nice comments, votes, or really anything. This no way represents everyone who has ever done it of course, and I acknowledge and appreciate you even if your name isn't present. I love you all so much.

Special thanks to:  Anime001  NightmareGon   _Izuwu_Miidoriiya , nouni_    sleepdeprived_b1tch   Night_Angel2356   Shykawaii2   fishwithknife    Milavidas   MidnightTerror1234   SarahCatLover123  MickyMouse237    CawaiiPandaUwU   KaylynAcello3   ADTLewis

Thank you so much! You, and many others, have helped me a lot with all of this. Either through nice comments, votes, adding it to a reading list, anything. Thank you.

Have a wonderful day.

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