Chapter 21: Retrieving

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{Todoroki's POV}

I gasp for breath, weak and disorientated. Everything happened so quick, I wasn't sure what to do. I stand up and sway on my feet, I run down the hall as quickly as I could, I had to keep my shoulder pressed up against the wall on the way to keep from falling.

"Todoroki be careful!" I hear All Might shout.

Where do I go now? After the girl, to UA, or my house? The girl is nowhere to be seen.

I pull out my phone and quickly dial Aizawa, he picks up.

I wheeze a little before being able to get a word out, "Aizawa! Wha- where-" I stammer, my mind muddled.

"Calm down," He orders, but not aggressively, "Your dorm seems to be intact, I'd go hurry to your house to check in with them and we'll discuss this later."

"Thank you sensei!" The line goes dead.

"Todoroki," The Chief of Police comes up beside me, "I'll have someone escort you to your home right away, there are police officers after the girl now."

I thank him and wait outside impatiently. A million of horrible possibilities run through my head, I try to hold them back but horrible pictures of destruction flood my brain.

A police car pulls up in front of me and I jump in before they can even stop completely. Then, we speed off to my home.

When we arrive I jump out without a word and sprint to the door, shoving past police officers.

Several things had been knocked over, broken glass riddled the floor, dirt from broken plant pots, I can't see anyone but police officers.

"Natsuo!" I shout, looking around frantically, "Fuyumi!"

"Shoto?" Natsuo peeks out of a room, when he sees me he rushes over and wraps me in a hug.

"Is everything ok? Where's Fuyumi?" 

"Hey it's ok, calm down," He tried to look me in the eye but I strain to look over his shoulder and find anyone else I know.

"Where's mom, or dad even he's the hero right?" 

Natsuo shakes my shoulders to get my attention, "Todoroki looks at me," I do, and he looks a little worried.

"Fuyumis at the hospital-"

"What!" I yell and struggle to get free and run... somewhere.

"Hang on!" He shouts, which startles me. It's not often Natsuo yells.

"It's very minor, she was the only one home when they broke in. They came in through your room, and she heard them in there. She walked in on them and she got cut on the face," I start to struggle but he just firms up his grim and talks softly,  "they took her to the hospital just to be safe, but she's perfectly ok and fine, it was minor. Mom went with her."

I nod and gently push past him to go check my room and he follows silently.

I push open my door and my breath hitches in my throat.

Everything is wrecked.

My bed is crushed, my bookcase shelves have fallen in, book pages ripped out and scattered around the room, it looks they took an ax to my desk. The thing that stands out the most is the giant inch deep slashes in the wall. There's a knife stuck deep in my door with a tiny bit of blood on the tip of it.

I pale and I feel like I'm going to vomit.

It looks like a monstrous bird went wild in here. The three slashes were 5 feet long.

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