Chapter 6: Betrayal

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{Longer chapter, a lot of distressed Midoryia and Co. So if you aren't ok with that, beware.}

Is he right? He can't be. Or is he? Maybe I should just join, and work for the heroes and be a spy. I couldn't stand to see All Might's reaction. After another meeting with All for One, he injected a purple liquid into my neck.

"That will help you see the light in us," Is all he said before Dabi and Spinner dragged me back. A black fog seemed to invade every crevice in my mind.

"Dabi," I whisper, before we get back to the room, "I'll join you," Their pace slows to a stop, "But keep it quiet, don't give it away. I don't need Kacchan knowing yet, just tell Toga to stop cutting me."

 Dabi smirks and gives me a nod. What am I doing? Do I actually want to join? Or am I just afraid? But wouldn't it be grand to see Kacchans face? But what about Uraraka... maybe I could make it some sob story, "It's not my choice, they're controlling me" or something, make it seem like I don't want to be a villain so they don't hate me. But I don't want to be a villain. But my mouth just said I did.

Ugh, that's weird to say or think. I feel like screaming. What about mom? She's probably terrified, especially after she made Aizawa promise I would be safe. Oh, he's probably in huge trouble with her.

"Spinner," Dabi whispers, "Go back to the old dude and tell him, but stay quiet. I'll take him back to the slab." Spinner nods and jogs back.

Finally, we get into the room and he finds a new rope to tie me up with, being a little gentler, though he seems just as annoyed. Kacchan sits there glaring at everyone and everything, me, Toga, Shigaraki, the wall, whatever he can see he's mad at.

"Toga, boss says to stop cutting the kid." 

"Awwww that's no fun." She pouts.

The following two days consist of me being dragged back to All for One regularly for discussions, every time he says more things that break me down, and builds me back up into the shape he wants.

 I can't get his words out of my head, I find myself hating everything about the world more and more. It's driving me insane, I think that's what that stuff did, maybe it's supposed to make me a villain. Maybe that's what made me agree to join them.

 Only once did they take Kacchan back there. When they untied him he went ballistic, so when he went to go see All for One he remained tied, and Kurogiri teleported him there but considering he came back knocked out I can only assume it didn't go well, I don't think they injected him with the stuff.

Everything Kacchan did seemed to annoy me. 

"I can't believe you guys are this desperate for recruits," He mocked, "Why did you pick from the top Hero school? Obviously, everyone there really wants to be heroes, you wouldn't be able to get them to ch-"

"Shut up Kacchan!" I snapped, "I'm sure Bad Touch over there is just praying he can disintegrate you."

"Excuse me?" Shigaraki and Kacchan say in unison, Kacchan obviously being furious.

"What did you just say you freak!" He screeches, "When we get out of this I'm going to kill you! And these villain idiots!"

"Can I pay you to kill me first?" Dabi mumbles from the table where he's just holding his head in his hands. I stifle back a laugh and Kacchan shoots me a look.

"What, do you think these guys are funny!?"

I stay silent and stare at the ground, fighting back the urge to scream.

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