Chapter 35: Destruction

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{Shigaraki's POV}

Deku had appeared to be calm and present until he zeroed in on Zikashi. It's like something took over and he turned cold and mindless. It was damn near impressive actually.

It was concerning at the same time. If he could turn on a dime that quickly on someone he's been with for years it makes me wonder if we're in danger. Whether or not we are, I make a mental note to not start an argument. He jumped onto Zikashi when he learned she had been lying so that might be a soft spot I'll have to keep in mind.

And possibly use it to my advantage.

{Midoryia's POV}

Once I take a few steps back and see Zikashi only the ground and helpless it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and I feel much better and lighter. I spin around and trot back down to The League who stares at me with varying levels of worry.

Toga looks impressed and she smiles and hooks her arm with mine and skips beside me as I pass by the group. I begin walking to the opposite end of the crater away from Zikashi and The League just sort of follows. I quicken my pace as I become paranoid that heroes are following us.

"So, what're we gonna do now?" Toga asks happily.

"I don't think I'm done," I mumble as my eyes dart around, desperately scanning the area, making sure I won't be ambushed by heroes. I activate One for All so I can defend myself, or just incase Aizawa shows up I'll be able to tell.

"What?" Shigaraki asks aggravated. I don't answer as the childlike wonder floods my mind once again. I look around to see a building taller than the rest. It had to be an office building, it looked to be made entirely of glass.

I wonder what that would look like all broken? What would it look like when it all falls to the ground? 

I don't think before I fly forward and my fist collides with the glass. Even though it's a very strong type of glass it breaks easily. The cracks climb up the building at terrific speeds, spidering out in all directions and wrapping around the structure. Once the damage covered the whole surface the glass falls out of it's frame and falls to the pavement at alarming speeds. The League runs away from the building to avoid getting pelted with heavy glass however I simply stand there and let it fall to the asphalt around me. I hear people screaming from inside the building. 

It's a wonder they haven't evacuated considering the destruction that happened nearby. The heroes and police aren't really doing a good job on damage prevention are they?

But I guess it's sort of their fault for not taking initiative and leaving. So I don't feel bad and smile as glass misses me by millimeters. Once it's all fallen I see people begin to leave the building. They're terrified, I see fear in their eyes, even though it was an office building I see children of varying ages fleeing with their parents. Why did they bring their kids? If they knew what was happening a couple of blocks down the street why did they stay, especially if they had their kids?

They're careless. They're just so dumb... 

 I sigh as I crack my knuckles, reel back, and aim my punch at the solid wall of the building. The plaster and steel crumbles and bends. It groans as the force and green electricity dances across the building, bending and contorting the structure until it folds in on its self and begins to topple down. I use One for All to jump and slide backward several blocks away from the crumbling building.

It crashes down and falls into the road. The massive building falls in on its self, on other buildings, in the road, on people, it sinks into the ground, pipes break, electricity crackles, and the screams play like a theme song for it all. 

Unfortunately, because of my eye, I have a hard time seeing it all clearly so I savor the sound.

Dust flies up and debris fills the air, a gust of wind nearly blows us over. The green electricity jumps across the metal on the ground and the metal in the air that has yet to land. Every time the power jumps from one thing to another it breaks whatever it touched. Bending and melting it. You can feel it in the air and I can only smile.

The screams fall silent. I turn to see The League staring at the wreck with shock and horror.  Shigaraki usually looks indifferent about horrific things but now his mouth is gaping open and his one visible eye is wide with fear.

"What the hell!" I hear Dabi scream over the groans of the settling metal and debris. Toga's cheerful demeanor is now also overtaken by fear and disbelief. I see Magne and Twice on their feet trying to calm each other down. Compress's mask covers his face but he's frozen and he's not making any noise.

"We have to go," Kurogiri speaks up above the noise and portals appear next to the members and they all step in quickly, fearing that a hoard of Heroes would appear that they weren't prepared for. The only two people still standing was Shigaraki and me. 

He removes the hand from his face as he walks towards me, stray glass crunches under his feet. He looks stunned.

{Shigaraki's POV}

I understand what I was really looking at now. Midoryia's face shows no sign of concern, no remorse. He only has a crooked smile on his scarred face. Now don't get me wrong I'm not one to say anything against the murder of people who deserve it. But I can nearly guarantee Midoryia had nothing personal against those people.

He's a cold-blooded monster. There's no reasoning to stop him from doing anything. I don't doubt that if we did something even mildly irritating that we'd all wake up to smoke pouring into our rooms.

I can't reasonably let him come back with us right now, but I also can't piss him off.

"You can stay here and finish what you want. You know where to find us. It'll be easier for you to stay and escape heroes than all of us together."

He smiles and laughs, "Okay, I'll see you all later!" He waves and jumps away. I quickly walk into the portal away from the destruction.

{Midoryia's POV}

He's obviously afraid of me but I respect that he didn't try and reprehend me.

I jump across the buildings away from the destruction, a little disappointed I can't stay and watch. Maybe next time. 

I'm only a couple blocks away when I turn around and see heroes at the wreckage. I see things floating in the air, which probably means Uraraka is at the scene. I hear yelling that leads me to believe Kacchan is also there. I suppose Zikashi is getting help and Todoroki is who knows where. 

I smile and silently hop to a building closer to the wreck and deactivate One for All. I lay down on my stomach and watch through a long gap between the building and solid railing typically used for the rain to drain.

Sure enough, I see Uraraka lifting up slabs of concrete, Kirishima and Kacchan run to gather up unconscious people from underneath. Kacchan makes the concrete explode and Uraraka lower the smaller debris to the floor.

Which I admit is efficient.

I watch them pick through the wreck and find people buried underneath. Some people are unconscious. Whether they're dead or not is up for debate. 

Kirishima takes a moment to scan the area and in the process, we make eye contact.

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