Chapter 11: Reunion

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A/N: Bakugo's personality is going to seem very very off. The cause of this is, I imagine him going through a time of growth during the kidnapping, then finally after seeing Izuku in the alley which at this point is about 3 weeks ago. I imagine him being much more rational and mature now, but don't worry he isn't going to be totally gone personality wise, just mostly in this chapter.

{Todoroki's POV}

My heart lunges out of my chest when I see the Villains leave Midoryia, and Aizawa grabs him. We have another chance to save him.

The rest of the students rush back into the classroom, and Iida gently pulls me back into the room.

"That was very reckless!" Iida scolds the second the door is closed, "We weren't supposed to leave!"

"You followed, to be fair," Sero mentions as he sits back down in his desk. I see Kirishima fidgeting with his hands and Bakugo stares silently at the wall. Everyone jumps around, they seem so elated that Midoryia is alive and 'well' but I'm more worried than anything. Even though I know I should be ecstatic and celebrating.

I'm scared Midoryia isn't going to want to come back. I'm worried he hasn't changed or won't be able to. Though I saw Shigaraki hurting him and mocking him, maybe he won't want to leave them. He seemed so different even though I wasn't even that close to him.

Bakugo comes to the back and sits in front of me, turning in his seat to look at me. His face was as serious as I've ever seen it.

"We should tell them about when we saw him in the alley." He mumbles sternly.

"Maybe we shouldn't, maybe Midoryia has changed we don't want to-"

"Do you really think he's just reverted back?" Anger creeps into his voice, "They injected about 50 doses of that serum, it doesn't just go away."

I do a double take, "You were there when they injected it?" 

"They took him into a back room, then an hour later they brought him back, and something was already different. They tried to get me to take the same stuff but they gave up. They said they already 'had someone', who was probably Deku."

"Don't you think it wears off?"

"The actual stuff leaves your system I would imagine. But the effects just stick. Everyone should know to be wary if he shows up back to class, at least for a while until we know it's safe." Bakugo was acting so differently, he was being mature and making rational decisions which were weird to hear.

"I agree," I say solemnly.

"I've already talked to Kirishima, he agrees too."

He nods and stands up and walks to the front of the class with his hands in his pockets, the ticked/serious look doesn't leave his face.

"Hey!" He yells, and everyone turns to him, "There's something important you need to know. Kirishima, Todoroki, and I" It was weird for him to say our names instead of the dumb nick-names, "Saw Midoryia a few weeks ago," the room seemed to drop in temperature.

"We saw him in an alley. The reason I bring this up is that he wasn't... sound. Mentally. He was near hysterical and very different from who we knew. He was with The League actually. I know you all want to see him again which makes sense... but just be careful."

It was silent as everyone processed it, and Iida was the one who spoke up.

"Why didn't you guys say something earlier?"

No one answers, there wasn't really a reason for us not to, we should have.  

"I... don't know." He answers simply.

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