Chapter 20: Captured

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{Todoroki Pov}

We graduate in a few months and I'm not sure I'm ready.

Of course, we're ready... right?  I think, late that night.

 The villains have been quiet lately, but they've given us so much trouble during the school years I half expect them to show up in my dorm.

I know they have my address. When Izuku went missing for the third time after he betrayed everyone at UA, someone had been breaking into my home. Threatening my sister and me, and I'd bet a million dollars that it was him. It wouldn't be a huge jump to assume he has other student's addresses.

That little boy today mentioned the villain Deku, and it scared me. I realized that a little boy had every right to be afraid of him. He is a target, as well as the entire city. The entire country even should be afraid.

My phone rings and All Might's name shows up. He gave us all his phone number after Izuku betrayed everyone just in case. I answer it and greet him, curious to know what he could possibly want.

"Young Todoroki, I need you to come to the police station immediately," He sounds out of breath.

"What why-"

"We captured a member from the league, I think you'll be interested in hearing what they have to say."

I arrive at the station and see All Might waiting outside, he's in his small form. A year or so ago he told Bakugo, Kirishima, Iida, and I about his time limit. He ushers me inside and into a room with white walls, and a large thick window.

Behind the window, a young girl chained to a chair. She has long brown hair that fades to a dark purple, she's strong and has a few scars on her arms. She's wearing a plain grey shirt and black pants. She stares at the ground, either unaware we're there or she doesn't care.

"We caught her for a smaller crime, but then we found she was part of the league."  The Chief of Police explains, "We're not sure of her quirk, but we can assume she is very strong. Thus," She gestures to the cameras and security, "All of this."

"She's killed at least 20 people, probably higher" All Might adds disturbed.

"Ok..." I say, looking at this girl, "Why am I here?"

"Earlier, she told us that you're a-"

"Person of interest for The League." The girl in the chair suddenly looks up and finishes his sentence, speaking through the tiny hole in the glass. She stares at me with wide gold eyes, they almost seemed to glow, I instinctively took a step back.

I can't stop looking in her eyes, they look so... violent. Suddenly, red streaks move in out of nowhere and taint the gold. Shes hunched over and just looks up at us, smiling.

"It's so nice to finally meet you," Her voice sounds crazed, "Deku has told me so much..."

My back snaps straight, All Might's eyes widen.

 She smiles. "Oh!" She exclaims, she snaps to attention, sitting up in her seat. "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Zashi. I work right alongside him. He's really strong, isn't he?"

No one says anything for what feels like years.

"Where is he now?" I ask, hoping I can get her to slip up.

"Oh, that wouldn't be fun to just tell you!" She grins, "He's hoping you'll come back with me when I get out of here."

"When? Or If." 

"When. Soon." She laughs, "What, do you think I'm stupid enough to get caught? I'm here on purpose. I'm more than happy to be here because I wanted to meet you!" She squirms in her chair, trying to get closer.

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