Chapter 15: Questions

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I wanted to make it so Deku gets his own section of the league, sort of his own gang away from The League. This would give me an opportunity to make OC's.

What do you think about it? I'm not 100% sure about it and wanted your opinion.

If It does happen if you want to submit names or quirks for these new characters I'd be happy to use them, I'm thinking of their only being 3, but we'll see what happens.

If you think this is a bad idea PLEASE TELL ME, your opinion matters to me. If it is a bad idea please leave a suggestion for what you'd like to have happened from this point on.


I'm sorry for no chapter this week I'm still unsure of where I want to go from here, and I don't want to post an uneventful boring chapter. This is why I ask for your feedback.

Any suggestion will be read and considered, I don't really care for ships outside of Platonic or fluff, because it makes me uncomfortable, but if you want me to include something in there maybe I will.

ALSO sorry for not including a lot of Twice, Spinner, and Compress content in the story, if I'm going to be perfectly honest I kind of forgot about them, but if you guys want them in there I'll try to remember. I honestly don't know how I forgot, but I did.

THANKS!! <3 

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