Chapter 8: Hospital

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A/N I'm changing the writing style, so less detail I guess. If you prefer the way I was writing beforehand just let me know! Or if you have a suggestion.

ALSO In this story, All Might still has One for All Considering the fight was cut short, if that wasn't clear.

{Aizawa's POV}

I met the ambulance holding Midoryia at the hospital after securing the other students. All Might was escorted to a different, undisclosed hospital, but considering the situation I figured Midoryia might as well be the priority.

His condition fluctuated, when he arrived he was so close to death that the nurses kept giving me looks, looks that I knew from my many years of hero work meant

Don't get your hopes up.

Finally, after hours he was deemed to be in a stable condition, they already started performing tests on his blood to see if what my students reported was true.

"It'll be a long time before he wakes up. I'd go home if I were you," a nurse said, "I'll call or text you if his condition changes dramatically, for better or for worse. I'm sure you have other people to check on."

I thanked her and took out my phone to make the call I'd been dreading, Mrs. Midoryia.

I broke my promise to her, and it's been hours since she's had an update so I doubt she'll be too happy.

I hesitantly dialed the number and it barely rung once before a frantic woman was on the other end.

"Hello!" She answered.

"Hello Mrs. Midoryia, I just wanted to-"

"Is he okay?" She interrupted quickly.

"He's in a stable condition, and in good care." 

"Good. Thank you," I hear her sigh.

"Don't thank me, I broke a promise I made to you and for that I'm sorry."

"Nevermind that," her voice cracks, "Your new job is to help him now." I hear a sob and I feel guilty, "Please just figure out what's wrong."

She was watching the news report, she saw Midoryia fight All Might. I can't imagine her guilt and confusion as she watched it.

"I'll be at the hospital soon, you don't have to stay there. Thank you."

She hangs up.


{Third Person}

"Dammit!" Shigaraki yells as he paces back and forth in a damp warehouse filled with empty shelves that they retreated too.

"Don't worry Tomura" All for One said, as his doctor worked on his mask. "We'll get him back, it won't be hard."

"I can't believe we lost him!" Toga whines.

"At least the doctors will fix him up for us." Dabi comments.

"Hopefully they don't find an antidote," Toga says.

"That's not a problem," All for One assures, "It's already changed his brain. They could get it out of his system but it'd take months for his brain to even begin reverting back, and months more for it to finish, we'll get him back in that time. I doubt they'll have an easy time with him these first few weeks."


{Midoryias POV}

I wake up cold. I'm in a little white hospital room with IVs in my bandaged arms.

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