Chapter 10: The Plan

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{Midoryia's POV}

"How'd it go?" Dabi asked me slyly, as him Kurogiri and I walk through the alley back to our hideout. The plan was to lure Todoroki into an alley just to talk, for my amusement and to shake him up, but Bakugo and Kirishima were with him.

My eyes were still puffy, and my face was still red from getting worked up.

"Fine," I say flatly, keeping my head down.

"Are you ok?" Kurogiri asks. We decided to walk back to the base rather than just teleport, by my demand, I didn't explain it to them, but it was so my face could clear up from crying.

"Sure," I mumble. and I quicken my pace.

"Didja shake em' up?" Dabi speaks up, I could practically hear the smirk.

"Yeah maybe I did," I laugh a little, "They seemed a little traumatized,"

Dabi grabs my shoulder and turns me towards him, I knock his hand off my shoulder. Dabi laughs as he looks at my face.

"You've been crying!" He exclaims and gestures for Kurogiri to look, but he just seems uncomfortable. 

"Shut up," I growl, "It was just to throw them off." I stomp off again.

"Yo Misty, didja see him? You were watching the entire time."

"Uh, only a little." Kurogiri has always been a bit nicer than the rest of the league, more brains than brawn. 

"Kurogiri!" I yell back at them, "Teleport us back."

We arrive back at the base and Shigaraki shoves my old Hero Notebook into my hands almost immediately. 

"Are these reliable?" He asks.

"Where did you-"

"Are these reliable?" He raises his voice a little.

"Absolutely," I confirm as I flip through it, all of my notes from years of my fanboying and following heroes around. Before I had a quirk before I was 'useful'.

"So the information in here is 100% accurate?" He presses.

"Some of it may have changed through the years, but as far as I know it's all accurate."

"Go through it and update it, use new notebooks if you need to. And quickly," He sounds a little annoyed, "We'll need it for our plan. Any of those heroes might show up and we all need the information."

'The Plan' was All For One's idea. The premise is we set up some sob story and impressive scene, and we get me back into UA. Something along the line of a mission gone wrong, league turns on me, blah blah blah. But of course, we don't want everyone else getting arrested. 

"On it," I grumble.

{Time Jump}

For the next few weeks, we organize our information and figure out the logistics. The league is fairly quiet in the eyes of the media, and my story is slowly fading from newspapers, which is a bittersweet thing. It's nice I don't have to be on edge anymore, but it's upsetting how quickly I'm thrown to the curb. 

But, I'm still cautious every time I go out. I usually wear hoodies, or tie my hair back and wear a mask or something. I get a few side glances, but most people assume I'm just some dumb kid. Once, I saw Uraraka walking around and I practically had to sprint away to avoid being noticed. 

Being so close to UA is nerve-racking, I'm always worried someone will recognize me, or that I'll almost run into them like Uraraka.

God, I hate walking by UA. Every time I have to restrain myself from knocking down a wall or taunting a student.

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