Chapter 5: Convincing

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This chapter involves blood 

{Izukus POV}

My head throbs horribly, every noise hurts my ears.

I barely open my eyes and even the low light hurts them.

I hear an aggravated grunt from beside me, I try to move my arms but they're tied behind me attached to a big slab of concrete.

I turn my head and squint to see Bakugo pulling at the ropes holding him in place. I notice he has way more ropes than I do, a couple of ropes across his chest, several around his wrists and legs, then he had a gag.

I only felt my hands tied and leg tied.

My eyes adjust and I see The League of Villains gathered around a little bar. Kurogiri polished some glasses, Toga flung some knives around, Dabi sat there silently, Spinner chat idly but I couldn't quite understand what he was saying. Shigaraki stood in the corner watching us.

Toga glanced over at me and jumped up.

"Izus awake!" She exclaimed, bringing attention to me and I wince at the noise.

She skips over to where I stood limply and pokes my cheek with the tip of a knife.

"Toga leave him alone." Dabi scolds, but he doesn't sound very serious.

"Well, I can't play with the other one! He's mean," she whines, Bakugo glares and growls in response.

"I wonder if the Heroes have launched into a search yet?" Kurogiri says from the bar, "It's been a day."

"Don't worry," Shigaraki pipes up, "They'll start on it very soon. But we'll have plenty of time to do what we need."

The two sides of my brain kicked up a fight, cower and cry vs fight and win. I can practically feel my mind zoom out, the "Self Preservation" part of my mind shut off. I clear my throat which draws Shigaraki's attention to me.

"Care to explain?" My voice is scratchy and sore.

"Well, we wanted you to join our cause." 

I could hear Bakugo laugh from under the gag. Toga bounces over and cuts off the gag dangerously close to his face.

"If you think you're recruiting Mr. Fanboy over here you have another thing coming. And me for that matter!" He barks.

Shigaraki grins crookedly, "We'll see," He turns to the group, put the hand back on his face, and like clockwork they all get up and a portal opens.

"Toga, keep watch." Dabi orders.

"Where are you going?" She asks annoyed.

"We got a meeting with that other group of villains. Just go ahead and chat with these two." He shoots us a grin before stepping through the portal and it closes.

Only a minute passes before Toga is back in my face.

"Izu! I'm so glad you're awake! You're so fun to talk to!" She hops back to the counter and swings her legs.

Bakugo and I have never gotten along, but at this moment we shoot each other a look that said, 

What the hell do we do?

"Isn't Dabi annoying?" She whines, "He never lets me have any fun."

"Uh... yeah." I agree, "Seems like a prick." 

"Right? But he's fun to tease." 

She hops back off the table, then comes back over to me. She presses a knife against my jaw and smiles. 

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