Chapter 22: Content

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Kind of a short filler, I decided I needed some nice wholesome League content to get me through my day. 

Feel free to suggest things you want to see! Filler or not! Thank you so much!

{Midoryias POV}

"I'm Sorry Sir-"

"It's ok Zashi," I reassure her as she sits on the couch, tired and overworked. 

"The cell was a lot stronger than we thought." She chuckles awkwardly, "But it all worked, right?"

"Everything went to plan," I smile, Yiri, who is handing water to Zashi, speaks up.

"May I ask, what was the point in destroying his room? Aren't we trying to get him on our side...? You cut his sister after all."

"No worries Yiri," I say, feeling pretty chipper, "I just wanted Todoroki to feel our presence, and know he's on our radar. It was aggressive, sure. But I know it'll all pull together, trust me."

"Zashi, how quickly did you run out of energy?" I ask, curious. She looks horrible.

She thinks briefly, "Almost immediately. Just getting out took it all. Then I had to keep them from getting me, then I had to escape... If it weren't for you getting me I would've been caught immediately."

"When you've recovered, I want you to work on increasing your stamina and conserving your energy, work on your tactics and timing too. We can't have something like that happen again."

I turn to Yiri and Kozo who now sit at the bar, "And you two need to stop running every time there's a problem, retreat, then go back in if necessary. We call ourselves Villains but in reality, we are striving to be better than the pros, we are the real heroes of society. And you better start acting like it."

They look at their feet, embarrassed. I look around at our conditions, it smells like mold residue and looks like a defeated homeless shelter.

"I know we live in a scummy place, and we look a little scummy ourselves," I gesture to Yiri's torn t-shirt too big for him and ripped jeans, Kozo's black shirt and baggy jeans, Zashi is the only one who looks decent but that's because she recently stole new clothes; Purple tank top and black jeans. 

And of course, my very-out-of-place vest.

"But we are shaping the future." I try and reassure them since I know they've had doubts about The League. 

Kozo gives me a skeptical look, "You do realize our personalities and motives aren't exactly... heroic. Or useful to 'shape the future.'"

I sigh and shake my head.

"Let me rephrase then, we are getting rid of the problems, so those who are actually heroic can take their place."


{Zashi's POV}

It was always a little strange when Deku got 'inspirational', it feels like seeing a fish climbing a tree. It was better than him throwing knives or almost destroying the building, but we never knew how to respond.

Deku is a fine leader, if not unpredictable and insane. He's All For One's second prodigy, I can easily see him destroying this city and controlling it all in a heartbeat. But he doesn't, and why I'm not sure.

He has a strange obsession with heroes, anyone could see that. But it's more than an obsession, it's got a level of respect.

He respects what they've tried to do, but he believes he can do better. Which I agree with. 

"The next step," Deku announces as he paces back and forth, his hands neatly folded behind his back, "I'm going to formally invite Todoroki to The League, and he'll probably refuse. I'll have Kurogiri help us out afterward, with transporting him here. When he's here all of you will have access to him, talk to him all you want." 

He stops and takes time to make eye contact with all of us, "But if any of you lay a finger on him I'll personally tell Dabi and he'll rip you to shreds. And I'll help."

"What's your obsession with Todoroki?" Kozo asks, an eyebrow hitched up, "I know you two went to school together but wasn't he an asshole?"

I half expect him to throw Kozo through the wall, except he only smiles and hops up to sit on the bar. He swings his legs and rests his head in his hands, his poofy green hair hangs in his face a little. 

At this moment all I see is a child. I forget he's only 18, most of the time I forget he's just a human and not some unkillable god.

"Todoroki is an honorable young man. Yes, I do agree he was very stuck up in the beginning, but he is incredibly strong you can't deny. I miss his companionship if I'm being 100 percent honest, we didn't speak like best friends, nor behaved that way around each other. But he tried the most to get me back when I was in danger, even if he was in trouble. And for that, I respect his ideas and him."

Kozo smirks and hops up next to Deku and elbows him playfully, "Aww you had friends!" He teases.

In one fell swoop, Deku shoves him off the bar and Kozo falls onto the ground, laughing.

"Did the Big Boss used to have little friends? Did you have sleepovers?" He laughs on the floor, thank god Deku doesn't seem to aggravate, he's laughing a little too. "Now your kill count is, what, 48? And your best friends now are just a few bastard children."

"Oh shut up Kozo," Deku rolls his eyes, but there's a tiny little smile. It seems like years are taken off of this boy just by that small genuine smile. But the second it fades it all piles back on.

"I'll head off in a couple of days for Todoroki. In the meantime, I think it's worth taking some time to have some fun and relaxing." Deku hops off the bar and walks to the hallway's arch.

"Woah really!" Yiri cheers, which makes my head pound and I wince.

Deku stops, "Yes, now decide what you want to do before I change my mind. Quickly!" And he heads off into his room.

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