Chapter 25: Empty Vial

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{Midoryia's POV}

I think back to our plan to recruit Todoroki, and the effort I went through to get all that done. I'd feel bad if I let that go to waste but I don't have the motivation to hurt him anymore. I could use the stuff in my hands to do switch him over, but I need to take it too even want to do any villainy.

So it's a problem.

I don't want to hurt him, but I can't go back or anything. So guess who has another problem. Me.

I can't go back so who the hell cares? I've betrayed everyone's trust too many times. They'll never listen to me again.

The wave of regret hits me hard again and I choke back a sob. I chuck the thick binder in my hand at the wall which makes a loud crashing noise.

I pick up the vial hastily and rip the lid off. I quickly drink the contents of the vial and gag with disgust as it runs down my throat. It tastes like how fresh asphalt smells. Originally it had been injected, so I'm worried to see how differently this will be.

I sit there, worried and thinking about what will happen to me for maybe 15 minutes until out of nowhere I feel an unbearable stabbing pain in my stomach and I double over. I remember this similar thing happening the first time and my classmates huddled around, attempting to help me.

 I groan and grab my sides as I slide off onto the floor, the vial rolls off next to me, I try and keep quiet but I can't resist letting out a few whimpers of pain.

I hear a knock on the door as it creaks open just a little, and Yiri pokes his head in.

"Hey Deku-" He said softly until he saw me on the ground. The door flew open the rest of the way and he crouched near me, giving me space. "What's wrong?" He asked, urgently. It was strange seeing him unafraid.

"I'm fine," I mumble, holding my sides even harder, "Just go."

"No, what's wrong?" He insists. He looks over to the almost empty vial on the ground and his eyes widen, "You took it...?" His voice fades off as he realizes what it might do. "Oh no, Deku-"

"Don't use that name anymore," I say as the pain subsides just enough for me to speak clearly. I lean against the wall and steady my breathing as an aching sensation still lingers. For whatever reason, I have the feeling that this is going to be a lot worse. In the process and outcome. "Yiri, my name is Izuku Midoryia," I say, he sits in front of me cross-legged, confused but interested.

"I-its ok you don't have-"

"No, I want you to know. You deserve to know after what, 2? 3 years? In case this all goes downhill you might as well know something." He nods softly.  My voice is gravely and rough.

"Alright." He smiles and waits for me to continue.

"My name is Izuku Midoryia. My earlier memories were of myself running around in All Might onesies," I smile nostalgically, and Yiri lifts his eyebrow, "I always wanted to be a hero. Always. I waited for my quirk to develop, dreaming of any possibility. Dreaming of the day I can save others. Unfortunately," I frown, "It never came."

"Wait for a second," Yiri interrupts bewildered, "You were quirkless?"


"Then what-"

"Just wait," He settles down and waits for me to speak, "I was devastated. Absolutely torn apart. My mother didn't understand, but I forgave her for that. I went through school. Bullied, beaten, nearly every day. I still dreamed of being a hero. Katsuki Bakugo was the main culprit of that bullying."

Yiri flounders a little, overwhelmed. And I laugh, trying to lighten the mood. 

"That's not even the worst part." I readjust myself into a more comfortable position and force a smile on my face as I tell almost a redemption story, I describe everything the best I could. I had a feeling this would be the last time I could talk about these memories fondly. I suspected I would grow to hate every little detail of them or forget them altogether. 

I tell him about the sludge monster, All Might rescuing me, trying to save Kacchan. Then meeting All Might again later on.

I lie about one thing. I don't tell him he gave me One For All, I tell him that I, "had a quirk I just didn't know it was there and how to use it," and that All Might helped me discover it. I made up something about there being such a thing as 'stubborn quirks' where you have to find them rather than develop them. Just so I didn't have to explain that.

"I got into UA. I was a pretty good student. All Might himself would mentor me. Everything was going great. Except for the fact that I had nightmares of Shigaraki before I even met him. The League attacked our school twice, and me twice outside of school. They wanted me to join them." My voice turns bitter, and Yiri fidgets a little. "I went on a camping trip with our class. They kidnapped Bakugo and I and hurt other students. That's when they injected that liquid into me and I ended up joining them and the rest is history. I'm sure you know the rest of things I've done under The League."

"Of course I do," He says as if that was a stupid thing to say, "But almost everyone was under the impression that you were a natural born villain. Not some kid they picked off the street and forced to be here. Sure there were the old headlines of the kidnapping but nowadays everyone thinks you were in on it from the beginning! Just... why are you really telling me all of this?"

I sigh and shake my head, "Yiri," I say exasperated, " I have a feeling this isn't going to go well," I gesture to the vial, "And I just want someone else to know the story. I know that in not too long, I won't ever want to think of those memories again. And I think it'd be a waste if one of my real remaining friends never knew."

A pain hits me again and I wince, it's not as bad this time, but I still press my hand against my head. 

"Yiri, I may be overreacting, and I pray to whatever god I am. But if I go crazy, or if I die, or something... I want you to do something for me."

I feel tears press behind my eyes as I reach under my bed and pull out a folder of small letters, I hand them to Yiri. 

"I want you to give this to each individual, either in person or just send it. Just make sure this gets to them and that they know it's from me."

He opens the folder. And begins to read.

A/N Suggestions welcome as always.

The next chapter will be Izuku's "Apology Letters" to some of the classmates. Any suggestions as to who? What it'll say? Go ahead and comment and I'll probably use it.

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