Chapter 24: Decision

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{Midoryia's POV}

I feel weak. Hopeless. Useless. Powerless. I can't get myself to roll out of my cot. I should never have talked to them.

I shove my face into my old pillow and reach blindly for my phone. I fumble around and finally found it. I only peek out enough to see what I'm doing. I text The League.

Midoryia: I need more of that brain changing stuff immediately.

It takes a while for them to answer. But eventually, someone does.

League: What for

Midoryia: I saw Ua Kids while we were out

I type quickly and frantically, borderline afraid. 

Midoriya: They didn't know who I was and spoke with me like a normal person I've started reverting back or something I'm coming in today.

I hop out of the bed, quickly put on clothes, green contacts, and head out. It's still dark out and no one's up, so I leave a note, simply stating that I'll be back soon.

I speed walk to train and tap my foot impatiently as I sit on the train among people commuting to work.

I practically sprint off the train and down the street towards The League.

I bang on the violently and it swings open to reveal Shigaraki. 

"Get in here brat," He mumbles and I gladly shove past him, "What do you want?" He asks angrily.

"Take me to All for One," I command, stress and anxiety grows and my heart starts pounding, "I need to see him now."

"You can't just-"

"Shigaraki!" I shout, my voice cracks a little, I'm embarrassed but I don't really care. "Take. Me. To. Him." I say slowly, trying to keep my voice level. I actually start to cry, I fight back sobs but a few strangled gasp escape and Shigaraki just stares. He's a mixture of embarrassed and angry.

You'd think I was just crying because I was stressed, but oh no. Memories, images, voices, faces, feelings, deafening noises.

I hear Kacchan screaming at me from years and years ago and I feel just as sad and Izuku-ish as I did back then. 

I hear Kirishima encouraging me and others. And my spirits rise.

I hear Uraraka laughing and telling jokes with the other girls, like Asui, Mina, Hagakure. To be fair, I don't think I've spoken to Mina or Hagakure all that much, but I still miss them in a strange way.

I hear Todoroki's monotone voice, I can hear his confused reactions to common trends other students are taking part in. I almost feel like laughing.

Now, I see Kacchan getting ready to hit me, I can feel the pressure of him hitting my chest. And I cry out a little in pain.

I see Uraraka floating through the air and I feel calm again.

Kirishima is ready to spar, and we talk as we take sharp but merciful punches at each other. I can feel his hits on my body, and I can feel the pressure on my hand as I fight back. I feel energized and exhilarated.

Shigaraki still just stares at me, upset and surprised that I dare to raise my voice in such a way. I can only stare at him, nearly pleading with him. 

I cry out in pain and grab my head as the memories all hit me at once. 

"Jesus Christ..." Shigaraki mumbles, just watching me writhe as my head throbs and my body spasms.

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