Chapter 14: Infiltration

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{Midoryia POV}

I meet up with the League at their base, undetected by any heroes or passerby. I see Dabi stifling laughter as I walk in with my school uniform.

"Shut up," I grumble, "What do you want?" 

Shigaraki says nothing as he hands me a piece of paper with a list of names, and my heart leaps for joy.

"Sensei made you another list, figured you were getting bored, we don't need you killing a student just because you were restless."

I run down the list of names eagerly with a huge smile.

"Keep in mind most of those are just for you to fill the time, not to kill-"

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever," I interrupt, I twirl around to Kurogiri, "What's my count so far?"

Kurogiri pulls out a piece of paper from under the bar with various tally marks.

"So far, 26." He says, a little worried.

"Alright get out of here before they notice you're gone when we have actual missions we'll text you," Shigaraki commands, irritated.

I skip happily back to my dorm, I'm still excused from actual class so I have plenty of time before anyone finds me. I change into plain black clothes and head out with a pocket knife. I can only find one of the 'murder targets,' appose to the extras who are just there to see if I could actually find them.

I've memorized most of the streets, people who frequent there, stores' Employees schedules, everything. It's gotten really easy.

I walk back to the dorms with a little blood on my shoes, I set the list down on my dresser and clean my shoes, and wait for everyone else to get back.

{Time Jump, 3 months.}

Being back in class sucks but it's necessary. Everything has been back to normal for months now and I'm allowed to leave as long as I tell a teacher first, and where I'm going to be. Almost every day I try to retreat to The League, it's so nice to be away from UA and those brats. Toga isn't much better I guess, but she's easier to handle than Uraraka or Kaminari.

"I can't stand being there!" I complain to Kurogiri as he listens patiently, "They're so annoying! They're all so loud and obnoxious, and it's so aggravating to have to watch my every move, 'cause you know they'll know somethings up."

Kurogiri nods dutifully, letting me rant because Shigaraki won't.

During the week The League forms a plan to flip UA on its head. Everybody trusts me, and at this point, I've been able to map out the entirety of UA and all of its important rooms. I've even compiled several binders of every student's schedule, quirks, weaknesses, everything. Not just first years, even the second and third-year students.

Even the teachers and all the Heroes who work here, security guards, hell even the janitors. 

I have everything. Now, is where we can throw them off their balance and use our information to make sure they fall permanently and indignantly.

We decided to start slow, Shigaraki says I'm allowed to start to let my guard down in terms of behavior. Which is refreshing, to say the least.

That night as I sit in my dorm room, I hear someone clambering around in the hall. I look in the mirror to see my red eyes glowing faintly in the darkness, and I snicker as I quietly open the door and step into the dark hall. 


{Todoroki's Pov}

I couldn't sleep so I decided to take a little walk around the dorms before going back to my own room. I step out into the hall and trip over my own feet from exhaustion. I, fortunately, catch myself before I hit the ground, so I don't wake anyone up.

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