Chapter 27: Falling Back In

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{Yiri POV}

Reading the letter made me sad. It reeked of regret. I see Deku staring at the floor, a little embarrassed maybe? I forget how young he is, he's only 18. As morbid as it may be, I wonder if it was like waking up for him. Did Villain Deku fall away and Izuku Midoryia wake up in this mess? Or was it just Villain Deku seeing the wrong? Were they the same person?

It's such a strange concept it makes my head hurt. My quirk allows me to see a shadow of peoples movement before they actually move, so there appears to be a delay in his movements. His ghost shoots me a look but I'm not sure why until I talk and I see the context.

"Hey De-" He shoots me the look, "Uh, Midoryia, do you want me to go get this to them now? I..." I scan the letter again, "I think that might be best, so they can prepare if you really want them to fight you."

Midoryia throws his hands in the air and lays down on the floor, he lets his hands fall onto his head and massages his temples. "I don't even care... sure. Just hide it from me in case I change my mind and try and tear it. Put it in here." He attached a sticky note to the vial and stuffs it into one of those large yellow envelopes, I notice it has a little bit of liquid at the bottom and I decide not to question it.

I gently tuck the letter into the package and toss it onto the old desk near us.

"I don't know if I could ever fight you Midoryia," Saying the name feels weird, I don't feel like I'm even talking to Deku. "I-I know it says you want us too if the time comes, but I can't-"

"Yiri," He interrupts, "It's going to be ok. Hell, if your worried fight me now. I don't know it'll be that bad, we might just continue business as usual." I stare at him and notice each eye is half red and half green, but I won't mention that yet. "Yiri, I would be lying if I said I was proud to have taken the liquid. I really, really didn't want too. But I don't really see any other choice."

He stands up and gestures for me to do the same, one eye is a little squinty, probably because of a headache. He claps his hand on my shoulder and smiles a little.

"You're smart. Smarter than you give yourself credit for. If we ever fight I want you to give it your all. Know that If I do fall that far that it isn't any version of me you know about. Please." His eyes beg a little until he shakes his head just a little as if too clear his thoughts. "Either way, I need to get out of this building. You three go where ever you want." He begins to walk out of the room but I grab his sleeve, he stops and turns to me with an eyebrow raised.

"I'll stand by you," I say firmly. And he smiles and gives a sharp nod, then turns out of the room.

{Midoryia POV}

I walk out of the room and head to the bar. I rap on the doors as I pass and call out.

"Get out here, we need to speak!" I slap on the old attitude and hop up on the bar's island and swing my feet. Kozo, Zashi, slink into the room, a little tired looking. They plop down on a chair and Yiri taps his foot in the corner.

"I'm leaving tonight. You all have your choice, whether to go meet up with the rest of the League, go independent, or follow me. You don't have to make your choice immediately, you all have my number." I smile at them and nod my head, I feel a headache coming on so I need to wrap this up, "It has been an absolute pleasure working with you all."

Kozo jumps up out of the chair, "Did you take the stuff?" He asks frantically, and I'm not sure what the right answer is.  I decide lying isn't the best choice but I was still hesitant.

"Uh, yes. I did."

"So what does that mean?" 

"Could mean I'll return to normal. Could mean I go batshit. In the case of the latter, the heroes will end up fighting me at some point. Do not help me. If I am just destroying the city, help them beat me," I look at Yiri, "Yiri can tell you more later."

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