Chapter 44: Graduation

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Time Jump,  One month. Midoryia's POV

It's 4 o'clock as I stare at myself in the mirror of my childhood bedroom. I take a picture of me with my UA acceptance letter and tape it to the frame and compare. My eyes returned to green immediately after taking the serum but left them blurry, so now I wear black rectangular glasses. Now, I wear a suit and tie as I prepare to go to the UA Graduation ceremony.

The glasses don't hide the twisted scars across my eyes or on my jaw, but it definitely takes the attention away from them. I notice in the picture I look so happy, it looks like I'd been crying. Back then the only thing marking my face were freckles and eye bags that wouldn't be noticeable unless you were looking directly at them. Those being from the countless nightmares I was plagued with since receiving All for One.

I wish I could go back in time and tell that Izuku to just be a little more resilient, a little more honest even. Maybe then I wouldn't be in the crowd watching the new generation of heroes but on stage receiving a certificate.

Now is not the time to wish for what could have been. It's too late. All I can do now is sit and support the people who deserve it.

I had gotten in touch with everyone as soon as I could when I got out and talked with them via text. For the most part, it seems they have forgiven me, which is all I could ever ask for. I even arranged a picnic in the park as a graduation celebration for the next day, to which everyone happily agreed to participate in.

Kacchan was a little annoyed but he accepted none the less. I haven't seen Yiri, Kozo, or Zashi since I've gotten out. I've tried everything I could to get in touch, even showing up to the base, but no one was there.

In fact, I hadn't seen anyone in person since I've been out, so I'm excited to go to the graduation if not a little anxious.

I sigh and walk out of my room to see mom sitting at the little round table across Mitsuki; Kacchans mom.

"Oh, hello Izuku!" She greets me, smiling, "Nice to see you."

"Nice to see you too," I say smiling, I sit down at the table next to the two of them, "How's it going?"

"Just fine, considering Katsuki is even more of a pain to deal with now that he's technically an adult." She says a little angrily, "Wouldn't stop complaining about the suit I got him. Thankfully his little red-haired friend offered to let him borrow something."

"Oh, Kirishima? That's nice of him." I comment, not surprised. 

"Well, I've got to go, I'll see you tonight!" She stands up and waves at my mom who waves back. The door clicks behind her.

"She was just giving us this letter," Mom says wearily and hands me a folded sheet of lined paper. "It's from All Might, I guess he was visiting Katsuki and Mitsuki offered to deliver the letter to us while they talked. He wanted you to prepare a quick speech-"

"What!" I yell, quickly unfolding the paper as my eyes dart from word to word. Sure enough, it's a small letter begging me to write a speech about the class. Goddammit, All Might why couldn't you just tell me yourself! And why so soon! 

"What do I even write about? I mean, I don't want to take any credit or throw more a pity party up there. I doubt the families are going to be happy about the Infamous Deku speaking at their kids' graduation!"

"Now Izuku," Mom scolds, "It'll be fun. I'm sure it'll be appreciated." She sees my expression of pure panic and sighs, "I'm sure if you wanted too you could say you never got the letter, and claim your winging it. So no one suspects you of wanting to be up there if you're going to be so paranoid about it."

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