Chapter 4: Kidnapping

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I don't sleep at all that night. Every creak made me jump, every noise that I couldn't explain without 100% certainty, I would get up and investigate. Mom baked all night. Most of the time I'd sit in the kitchen silently, both of us happy to be in the presence of the other.

Occasionally I'd receive a text from Uraraka, making sure I was still safe, instead of ignoring it, I answer every time. 

The kitchen reeked of dough and fruit. Eventually, she ran out of ingredients and we just sat there, nibbling on food neither of us had the appetite for. 

"I don't want you going to that summer camp." She said, breaking the silence, her voice hoarse.

"I don't blame you, I kind of don't want to go. But it's in a location no one knows about, it's safe."

"That's what they said about the USJ."

She's right, but I don't really want to agree.

"Yeah but that was just in the middle of the campus, this is in a secluded forest."

"Help takes longer to get there."

"Mom... I can't be paranoid. Beside this gets me one step closer to being a hero. I can't not go."

She sighs and stares at the table. She stays silent for a few minutes before allowing me to go. 

"But! Not before I email your teacher about your safety."

"No don't. Mom, it's ok you don't need to email anyone."

"Too bad I will. Let me be known as the paranoid, crazy mother. But I need them to promise me you'll be safe."

I don't protest. She has every right to be afraid, considering the near-kidnapping that happened not even a full 12 hours ago. 


Iida, of course, is the first one to arrive to wait for the bus. I smile as I stand beside him. I came early so we could talk without worry.

"Hey Iida, does anyone else know about that whole....adventure the other day?" I ask nonchalantly. 

"Midoryia you seem to be oddly unconcerned that your life is being threatened. I think I'm more afraid that you are."

I shrug. In all honesty, I'm terrified.

"Just dissociating is all."


"No one knows, as far as I'm aware."

"Thanks, Iida for all your help. I really appreciate it." We smile at each other, and to fill the silence I pretend to look through my bag for something as other classmates approach. I quickly text Uraraka to let her know I'd rather there be no mention of it.

"Hey, Midoryia!" Kirishima waves enthusiastically. I wave weakly back, not really feeling the excitement.

Everyone waits around with cheerful chatter. Uraraka jogs up to us cheerfully, but her face betrayed worried.

"Didja check your phone?" I ask. She nods and I thank her.


{Iidas POV}

When Midoryia walked up the first thing I noticed was his giant eye bags, stooped posture, and a drooping smile that seemed fake. He didn't seem at all concerned for his safety which worried me.

We all loaded onto the bus and Midoryia sat next to Aizawa, who sat right up front. They engaged in conversation, immediately every little thing appeared to lift off of Midoryia's shoulders and he's animated again, smiling and answering vividly. 

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