Chapter 3

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(Third Person, Omniscient)

The police were called and conducted a scan of the area, but the man was gone.  Izuku was questioned several times that day.

"I wasn't trying to get him to like me, just trying to live, really." He explained defensively.

"Of course. How long was the conversation?" The investigator asked, for probably the 10th time.

"Maybe just 5 minutes? Give or take, I'm not sure." 

"Did he say anything about future plans?"

Izuku shook his head and the man jotted something down, thanked him, and left. Izuku was escorted outside to wait for a ride.

"Izuku!" Inko called as she jumped out of a car and enveloped him in a hug.

"I was so worried!" She buried her face into his shoulder and he hugged him, afraid he'd disappear before her eyes.

They got in a police car and was driven home. Izuku tried to explain as well as he could what happened to his mother but the events of the day seemed to finally catch up to him and he was exhausted.

For the first time in months, he slept without a single dream.


The next morning his phone was swamped with texts from classmates worrying about his safety.  He took the time to reply to each one, but not saying anything that would prompt further conversation. If they did ask questions he pretending not to see them.

He stumbled into the kitchen to see pastries covering the counters and his mother in the middle of it making more dough, something she did when stressed. He grabbed a few from a cookie sheet and slowly nibbled on them.

"Are you alright to talk about it?" His mom asked timidly, not wanting to upset Izuku.

"Sure. Uh..." His mind was muddled and unorderly, he took a minute to sort through the events. Despite the weight of the encounter, he explained it all very nonchalantly, hoping it would convince his mother that it wasn't a huge deal.

"The guy from the USJ attack just took me aside and asked me a few questions. Mostly my opinion on...." He tried to pick the correct word that would cause the least amount of fear.

"His organization, and heroes." Saying 'Villain' might make her realize the severity of it.

"Were you afraid?" She asks very softly, as a mother would. She looks her Izuku in the face as she asks.

His face freezes for a second and his eyes glaze over before answering.

"Not... really. It was scary but I think I knew I wasn't actually going to be killed or anything. So it wasn't as bad as it could have been."  

She nods slowly and resumes rolling out the dough.

His phone dings and he checks to see a text from Uraraka.

Hey Deku! Iida and I were wondering if you wanted to go for a walk or something. We can go and pick you up?

"Hey, mom are you cool if I go on a little walk with a few friends?"

She's a little worried about his safety, but if he's with his friends he should be fine. 

"Sure, if you think it'll be ok. Just... be careful ok?"

"Of course."

"Take a pocket knife."

This makes Izuku do a double take, it was rare his mother suggested violence.

The Traitor { Villain Deku AU }Where stories live. Discover now